CANKRIl's Media Application

Channel link:

Number of subs:

Average number of views per vid:
➤All Videos - 835 (44,283 views / 53 videos)
➤MunchyMC Videos - 525 (3,675 views / 7 videos)

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers:
➤1 year and two months. (January 29th, 2019)

Servers for which you have created content:

(my four most recent videos have been recorded on munchy)

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?
➤My plan if receiving the role of Media is to bring the server entertainment.

                  -----                           This includes:                          -----
  • Hosting Events.
    Hosting events that are community-friendly (Spleef, Dodgeball, Snakie, ext.)

  • Creating Entertainful Video Content.
    This includes 1v1 series, clip montages, and general PvP type videos. These videos will primarily be recorded on MunchyMC.

  • Frequent Upload Schedule
    If I have Media rank, I will be motivated to record and upload more frequently. Viewers from the network will find my content, and viewers from my channel will try playing on the network.
    ----- -----

➤I also would be a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC is because I am an active player. This means frequent uploads on the network and entertaining videos for the audience.
➤My goal is to create good enough content to the point where I drive a number of new players into the community. BBH’s streams are a good example of this.

🙼 I hope I’ve somewhat convinced you that I would fit the part, 🙽
🙽 and I hope you give me a trial to prove myself. -CANKRII :clown_face:🙼


Hey there @CANKRIl,

I believe that you are very fit for this position and I wish you the best of luck!

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Very good content and an active member of the community. Good luck! :smiley:

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Haven’t seen you around much before, but you seem like you’d be great for this position. Seems friendly and mature. Good luck!!

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Stinky +1


-1 With previous interactions with Cankrii I do not think he is ready for Media yet. He is very toxic and immature in-game to me and other members of the community.


  • Amazing content

  • Insanely good quality

He helped me with a lot of stuff as well

Goodluck CANKRII!


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@CANKRIl I see that you have not met the requirements but you are a good person for the position, the requirements are 1.5k subs/follower though it shouldn’t matter if you have the rank or not to upload your content.


Arguments aren’t immature. I have not been toxic to you anymore than you have to me because it takes two to argue.

It actually says: You must have at least 1500 subs or a growing channel that we will evaluate using socialblade.

Oh thanks, I didn’t even know that. Now I know I can fix my information, so if I need to help people even better!! :smiley:

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I wanna see your channel grow by the time so i’m gonna wish you the best of luck!

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I don’t believe that you are ready for the role.

But he has the req.
Not sure how he isn’t ready, you could specify.

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You know what, he is ready. I agree! <3 I don’t really see him online. What is their timezone?

Not sure if activity is that necessary. Essentially you’re advertising/promoting the server.

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He’s on almost everyday, very active player on KitPvP, timezone does not matter.

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I don’t really play kitpvp, so you are probably right. +1

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Good luck

Your past actions cheating on our server and then uploading the footage to YouTube have shown that you’re not ready to be given the role of media rank. If in some more time you can show that you’ve changed since those actions, you may be considered for the role again. Please wait at least 1 month before applying again. You can message me on discord if you have any questions. NoEffortName#3750

~ NoEffort