CANKRIl’s Media Application V2

Channel link:

Number of subs:
➤671 (+28 since last app)

Average number of views per vid:
➤All Videos - 813 (44,733 views / 55 videos)
➤MunchyMC Videos - 484 (3,875 views / 8 videos)

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers:
➤1 year and two months. (January 29th, 2019)

Servers for which you have created content:

(my four most recent videos have been recorded on munchy)

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?
➤My plan if receiving the role of Media is to bring the server extra entertainment:

  • Hosting Events.
    Hosting events that are community-friendly (Spleef, Dodgeball, Snakie, ext.)
  • Creating Entertainful Video Content.
    This includes 1v1 series, clip montages, and general PvP type videos. These videos will primarily be recorded on MunchyMC.
  • Frequent Upload Schedule
    If I have Media rank, I will be motivated to record and upload more frequently. Viewers from the network will find my content, and viewers from my channel will try playing on the network.

➤I also would be a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC is because I am an active player. This means frequent uploads on the network and entertaining videos for the audience.
➤My goal is to create good enough content to the point where I drive a number of new players into the community. BBH’s streams are a good example of this.

🙼 I hope I’ve somewhat convinced you that I would fit the part, 🙽
🙽 and I hope you give me a trial to prove myself Thankyou. -CANKRII :clown_face:🙼


+1 channel is very entertaining when videos are related to munchy

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+1 h h h h

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epic :sunglasses:

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+99999999999 +1 boi

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That is never a good thing to say on an app. That is like saying I will play more if you give me staff xD

You don’t meet the subscriber count, however most of your vids are related to Munchy. +0.5

-1 was just caught for token boosting in kitpvp

I realized that this will greatly impact my opportunity of receiving Media rank. Thinking now, I regret doing that because I didn’t even stop to think about everything I’m jeopardizing.


Unfortunately, we’re going to have to deny your application this time around as well. If you would like me to explain in more detail please message me on discord. NoEffortName#3750

Please wait 1 month before reapplying.