CakeShop Event Team

Bold are questions
Italic are answers

IGN: CakeShop

Timezone: (GMT+1) Spain!

How often can you host events: Well, It depends if I have homework or I don’t or if I have exams I can basically be online 24/7 in the weekends and try my best to entertain munchy I’ll ask people what event they want I’ll let them vote and the one with most votes will be hosted, I’ll basically host the most voted one.

What sets you apart from other applicants: Too Be Honest! nothing sets me from other applicants, or applications can be better than me another people that are applying can have better information than me, I would say we are all the same and nothing is different you could say I’m a little bit confident! I can be active sometimes but I’m pretty sure I’m active all time!

What can you bring to MunchyMC as an Event Member: Well, apparently I see a lot of munchy players get bored from pvping so, I want to be the perfect event member to make them not bored and let them have the most fun they can have I’ll make sure no one is toxic or being annoying to others.

Give us one or more examples of an Event Member(s) doing something positive (I.E. Hosting an event when you asked, allowing you to become the slayer in RR, etc.): Well This is my favorite part, I’ll tell you all about the events I know! oh yea and I would choose a number from 1 to 7 and see who would pick the number im choosing, this method I took from mboscolo or hoan, I dont remember!

Brackets (1v1, 2v2, and 3v3):
_Brackets is probably the most loved event! brackets could take a long time but it is really fun! _ Brackets 1v1:Each Person gets chosen randomly against someone you basically get 3minutes to eliminate the oppenent the winner stays and fights until the end and if he wins against all of his enemies he wins brackets

Brackets 2v2: Brackets 2v2 Is basically like Brackets 1v1 But Brackets 2v2 Is different each person gets a team randomly and the 2 players have to fight against the other team the winner keeps going and going until the finale and the team that wins gets 320 or more tokens!

Brackets 3v3: Is also like Brackets 1v1 and Brackets 2v2 But this time Brackets 3v3 chooses 3 players randomly and the have to fight until the end!

WaterDrop: This event is the most I like, you get sent into a box with players and (pvp is disabled) The event member has to flick the lever if they make the first round the event member has to make it a bit harder if they make it the 2nd round the event has to make it harder it goes like that until the last person standing wins.

Red Rover: There is a slayer that is chosen, Basically the event member has to say Go to red or Go to blue and if all of his teammates are on blue and he is the only one on red he gets 10seconds to try and escape if he doesn’t he gets killed.

MLG WaterBucket: This one is hard everyone has to mlg down and the last person wins.

Automatic Events:

Sumo: Sumo is one of the most Beloved ones, Each person gets chosen randomly against someone, They have to fight him until the other person (slips, or falls off).

Feast: Feast, Is a survival minigame it is basically the twin of “Hg (hunger games)” you spawn you try to get loot and then fight each other to death ( you can team in this event!)

War: War Is an old event, most of munchies players forgot about it because it was taken down and the builders or staff team tried to fix it, Thank god war is still alive! each person gets chosen randomly with 4 players and 4 teams 1st Team Red 2nd Team Blue 3rd Team Green 4th Team Yellow each person has to fight to their death and the winner leads his team to victory!

Anything else you would like to add: Yes, I would sincerely like to say sorry to everyone that I bullied and been toxic to and I will promise that I will be better in the future Thanks for taking your time and reading this Have A Great Day!

Ps+ I would no longer cheat, and I will be a fair person!

I trust his word and I think he wants to change for the better +1

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Thanks for your feedback!

Have a nice day

Nice guy and is trying to forgot his toxic past +1

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Thanks, for you feedback I’ll try to be better in the future

Have a nice day!

Hey CakeShop!

It’s a -1 from me for a couple of reasons.

  • I haven’t seen you being very polite the last couple of days (especially tonight). This is one case, but there are many others.

This was after you threatened to dos me and before you replied to me with “make me” and “get off the server or else”.

  • I haven’t seen you be very actively contributing in chat, unless it’s to be rude to others. While this isn’t imperative, having someone as staff who doesn’t communicate can cause complications with teamwork.
  • You stated at the end of your application that you will no longer cheat and that you’ll be a fair person. It should take you applying to make that decision and it shouldn’t swing us to accept you right away without first seeing change.

It is for the reasons stated above that I don’t believe you’re ready for staff yet. Good luck, regardless.


Ok, thanks for your feedback, I hope you understand it was a joke and I wrote dodsed or ddosed, and I will improve in the future.

Have a nice day!

Hi CakeShop, I’m going to state my opinion and give you my feedback on what you should work on. I don’t believe you’re trying to change, but you could prove me wrong.

  • as @presentpaw said, you threatened to ddos them and you’re constantly rude towards others and myself, as well as being racist
  • application is quite short and lacking detail (in my opinion), also where it asks for you to give examples of an Event Member doing something positive, you listed some events and described them instead of answering the question, try fixing that

I don’t think you’re ready to become an Event Member because you’re still immature and I don’t think you’re trying to change. In the past you’ve made fake, as well as copied others applications. Your title doesn’t match the format, so try fixing that as well. My final rating is a -1.

Good luck!


Ok thanks!

I will be changing in the future

have a nice day

Asking me to comment on this application.

Spamming bad things

Sorry buddy, If I see you changing I will change my mind and give you a +1 :slight_smile:
Good Luck


constantly spamming asking for events and spamming in general, racist, immature. sorry bud

Thanks for your feedback @hoan and @MadInToilet I will improve in the future

have a nice day

I don’t think personally you are mature enough for the event team.
Too much toxicity and you lie about matters you shouldn’t lie / joke about.


ok thanks for your feed back!

have a nice day

c4j ur still toxic and immature

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Dear @CakeShop, here is what I think of your application.

As a player, you tend to annoy a lot of people. You tend to spam a lot of people with ddos threats and ban threats. Today, you were spamming @BadBoyHalo whilst he was streaming. You were threatening to ban him OVER and OVER, and I had to message you to stop. You also spam the staff a lot, such as @presentpaw. You also call people extremely bad words and call them not so nice things a lot, and guess what - you also spam that to them. I don’t want to sound mean, but I think you need to work on toxicity and spamming others.

Just today you were being rude to players.

Unfortunately, I am going to give you a -1 due to your maturity and toxicity at this time.
(P.S. No hard feelings, I just don’t believe you are ready to become part of the event team at this time. Work on your spamming, toxicity and maturity and you may have a shot!)
-Brushy <3

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Denied. Please work on your maturity on all platforms of our community.

Also, you didn’t seem to understand some of the questions, along with how you formatted your application. This shows you didn’t take enough time to read this post, explaining to keep your answers in Normal Text.