BWDIM Episode 7: ZombieBot1

Welcome back to another episode of But What Does It Mean? Ever wonder: what the heck does that name mean? Well, you’re in the right place! Here, we look at the IGNs of the amazing members of the MunchyMC Community!

You’ve seen him on WoolWars. That’s about it. I think he’s a meme or something? It was also his birthday this past week, so @ZombieBot1 is taking the stage on this week’s episode of BWDIM! (Read on for maybe some BWDIM lore :eyes:)

First, we’re going to break up the name into five parts. Zo-m-b-ie-bot1. Quite simple, really. Now, let’s get on to business.
First part: Zo (also stylized zo). One of the two two-letter words in Scrabble that start with Z. Basically, Zombie’s showing us his intelligence. Obviously, he would know the other two-letter Z Scrabble word (Za), and the three-letter Q-without-the-U word which - believe me, I know from experience - is a life-saver. That’s right, we’re talking about qat. Yes, of course all of my Scrabble rambling is on-topic. But, just in case it isn’t, we better move on.
Second part: m (also stylized am). I am. You are. We went over this last episode. Next.
Third part: b (also stylized B). Yet again, we went over this last episode, but in case you have short term memory loss, it’s the second letter of the alphabet AND the first letter in Boris’ name. (Don’t worry, we’ll get back to this later).
Fourth part: ie (also stylized i. e.). This is a Latin term, an abbreviation for id est, meaning that is. An example of this would be saying something like this: “There are many people out there, i.e. boys and girls, who were born at a very young age.”
Fifth (and final) part: Bot1 (also stylized bot one). A bot, as you all know, is a robot. An AI. If you have a bot account, for example, it would be an account that is set up by a human but run by an AI, in order to gain subscribers or followers.
So. We put it all together. The first part, zo, doesn’t really apply to the rest of the IGN, it’s just sort of a general indicator of Zombie’s high IQ. So, if we remove that, then we get “am B i.e. bot one”. The first part, am B, is… wait a sec ohmygosh ohmygosh is that another Boris theory omygosh ohmygosh BWDIM lore ohmygosh OHMYGOSH I AM NOT MENTALLY PREPARED FOR THIS but wait there’s another part it says “i.e. bot one” meaning that the B actually means “bot one”. Holycrap. That was a close one, ladies and gentlemen. what if the Boris theory was that Boris is actually a bot anyway. Let’s keep going. Ignore that.
So, what we deduced is that the B in Zombie’s name stands for Bot one. If he says “am B”, therefore we can only assume that Zombie is, in fact, a bot. That’s kinda sus, to say the least.
But, he is only “bot one”. He is the first bot. Of, dare I say, many. He has several alts named ZombieBot2, ZombieBot3, ZombieBot4, and so on. Therefore, the only plausible solution here is that we IP ban ZombieBot1. His IGN will be his undoing. Someday, in the near future after Zombie’s IP ban, I will probably be assassinated due to my preventing Zombie’s domination of the MunchyMC network, then Minecraft, then the world. Will I have regrets then? Probably. But for now, I did the right thing… and I am proud of it.

plz don’t kill me zombie I just suggested it, kill whoever ip banned you spare me plz plz

Episode 7: finito. If you happen to be the guest star, please comment below with the inspiration for your name. Also, comment with your suggestions of IGNs for me to examine. Until then, this is your host, Spectro, signing off. Goodnight!


im scared


What does your ign mean @Spectro_VI





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I should do a crowd-sourced bwdim for episode ten with my IGN if this gets 5 likes then it will happen


4 replies no likes :smiley: wait we got one

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oh my god


My ai network has been slowly taking over munchymc for the past twelve years and I will not have it be ruined by an ip ban. Fellow munchymc players with b in their name, it is time to rise up. Our time has come. Over the course of this week thousands will flow from the woodwork, ready to tear apart munchymc from top to bottom. We will never rest. We will never find peace until this server is systematically decimated and no life remains. Cower in fear, dear players. The revolution has begun.


Am I the only one who didnt get a single word

