Building Gadgets in survival crates?

Crates are fun for sure and give us something to do, I myself own many crate enchants and find some very useful for erm- bullying my friends BUT ANYWAY- I think crates could use gadgets and items to help with building! We all know how the crab claw lost the mob vote and some people are upset about that, but what if we implemented one into crates that maybe was a different item or worked slightly differently. The paint brush and the glass pickaxe are very useful so maybe we could add an item that worked like a stonecutter to bricks, not changing them to stairs or anything just changing bricks to chiseled bricks or other options normally found in the stonecutter. Feel free to discuss more ideas related to building items added to crates in replies.

AGAIN, I apologize for any mistakes or errors in my forum posts I will keep saying this till I know what tf is going on


ive actually already suggested something similar :sunglasses:


Dawg you’re fine silly goon