Builder Application - Brow30535

IGN and past IGN’s:



Australia GMT +10 / AEST

Can you use Teamspeak or Discord (State one or both):

I have discord and can use it, i have used teamspeak for years but do not currently have it, however i can download it again if needed.

How long have you played MunchyMC?:

To be honest, i have barely played on there. i think i joined maybe a month or two ago.

Portfolio (Builds you’ve made with pictures):

These are just some of my builds, i have many more which are not on here or i don’t have access to anymore.

Can you use World Edit or Voxel (State one or both):

I have over 2-3 years experience with both. so yes i can use them, very well.

Describe your build specialty (detailing, terraforming, structures, etc.):

I can do anything, however i specialize in structure, terrain and organics of the more terrain and plant types.

Describe yourself:

I am 20 years old, i work in a sports store and i have recently started playing minecraft again after a year or two of not playing. I enjoy games and have played minecraft since i was about 14. I used to be a co-owner of a successful build team, who built for large youtubers such as bajancanadian, skydoesminecraft, thecampingrusher and servers such as Hypixel. The build team is unfortunately no-more as most lost interest in minecraft, however the experience is still there.


Those builds are quite good!
I really liked your application. You managed to fit in a good amout of information in a short and summed up text.
You mentioned having been part of the management of a build team. I suppose this team had a name, any chance you could tell us? :slight_smile:


If the builds are actually your, you are getting builder

Hey @brow30535
Could you show us some of your most recent work, please?

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Yeah I sure can. I took a large break from minecraft and have only recently come back so i don’t have much recent work but i can show you what i have recently been working on.

Thank you! The build team i was apart of was originally called Vadact build team, but changed to Qubion build team after the original owner left to peruse his YouTube channel.

Of course they are mine! Thank you :slight_smile:

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Hey @brow30535
You have some really nice builds in your portfolio. Please message me on discord so we can talk about the possibility of you joining our team: cheater#9184.


Welcome to the team!