Buff fishing!

Fishing in map 9 is a bit annoying, some of the items are too underpowered and the experience using some of the items isn’t the greatest, so in this post I’m going to outline some ideas for buffs/reworks to certain items to make fishing an easier experience.

Captain Hook Reel: Gaining only one extra drop to your next catch is a lot ask for somebody to be fishing with a lure 4 rod over 50% of the time. Here is my proposal

  • Buff Captain Hook Reel to Lure 5
  • Instead of gaining +1 on your next catch, gain 50% more loot, ex. If you catch 5 items, drop 2-3 extra items with your catch. This will allow Captain Hook Reel to be a valuable item in the later fishing levels as well as after prestige perks are obtained

Mermaid Tail: I personally dislike having to look at chat constantly to see what fish im catching, i’d rather be able to watch a movie/video while i fish. I propose that instead of the tail making your next catch instant, it should double the loot of your next catch. This would have the same overall effect while being a much easier item to use.

Mermaid Fins: Stormy Night is a rare event, and because rain already makes you fish faster, mermaid fins only increase the speed at which you fish by a small percent. I think that this needs a buff to be a more usable item. I think mermaid fins should give double loot in stormy night

Ugly Duck Feet: Due to ugly duck feet gaining speed 4 and depth strider 3 in water mermaid fins are quite useless for their secondary ability, Depth strider should be removed from the ugly duck feet.

/Invclaim: Bring this back, having to deal with drug raids, full inventories, and people dropping things on you while you fish isnt fun, Realistically the removal of this feature doesnt do much to stop autofishers because the only possible way to catch an autofisher is through staff intervention.

Thanks to @toonaa for helping me balance these and providing secondary input


Post made with feedback from top fishers, what more needs to be said?


While I appreciate the thought that went into adjusting these items, I don’t think doubling everything is the right way to go about it. Just think about once you get the 40% chance for x5 drops from prestiging. Your base reward is x5, x10 with Mermaid Tail, x20 with Mermaid Fins during Stormy Night, and finally, x30 if you have those items during a Stormy Night plus Captain Hook Reel. I think fishing is actually pretty balanced. You have no risk whatsoever and are able to fish up money, drugs to farm for more money, semis/epics to slot for more money, and ultras to sell for more money. If I could add one thing, it would be the chance to obtain Legendaries from fishing after hitting 75 fishing (at an absurdly low rate of course). Also, I’m sure a Legendary Rod will be added sometime soon, so be on the lookout for that (I would assume it has Lure 6-7 with increased chances for ultras, crates, passes, etc.).


While i agree that just stacking multipliers isnt a great idea, stormy night is a fairly rare event that lasts for 2 minutes. Mermaid tail is already effectively double drops, its just annoying to use. Aquaman fins and captain hook reel are next to useless at the moment. While you bring up valid points i do think that those two items need to be buffed somehow, regardless of whether or not its through my suggestion.


I do like the idea of buffing Mermaid Fin a bit and removing depth strider from any boots that have it

There will be a legendary rod (idea has already been written) that will be added soon enough btw

And there is already a planned buff for Cap Hook Reel! :D

As for the invclaim issue, adding overflow going into invclaim for fishing would be a good change if it doesn’t do that already! Thanks for the generally constructive post Icebreaker! And Craz for the reply.


Thanks red :+1:


so many words about fishing

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