Breaking the cycle & Losing sight of the goal

Goals don’t need failing, they just need re-adjusting. That’s why you said you wanted to become staff so you could “enjoy something” but then decided to give that up so you could “enjoy” yourself. From the way I read it, I don’t see the problem. Don’t forget to take into account everything you’ve accomplished here, even if it isn’t everything you hoped and dreamed.

You have a powerful ability for self-reflection, which can be tough because you tend to be so critical on yourself (I know I am), but ultimately you will be able to take everything you learned here and apply it towards wherever you find yourself next.

Yep, so true, here I am hoping no one digs up all of my cringe forum posts and DMs from like 2016. I still have a select few zingers I’ll never get out of my head. Man, I said some weird things.

This one’s for the books for sure, killer reply. You’d be hard-pressed to find someone in this community that is universally liked by everyone. And I mean everyone. It doesn’t exist–you can’t please everyone because as you get more involved in the community you’ll start to realize how your point of view differs from others. If everyone here thought alike this would be paradise, but it’s just not realistic. That’s why the challenge isn’t to “like” and be “liked” by everyone, but for everyone to come to a mutual understanding. Which is easier said than done…to say the least.

So as I said earlier, don’t linger on what potentially or could have been, but rather focus on everything you did right. You may have not been liked by some, but what about all of the people that have your back? I for one have my list of people here I don’t quite get; to be completely transparent I would even go as far as to say I hate them. Without a doubt I’m on other’s lists as well. There’s also some damn good people here who just understand me so well, so I know that not everything I’ve done here has been in vain.

Same goes for you. Although not everyone, there are people here that understand you. Don’t let yourself be defined by your mistakes and regrets and grievances. No one came into this world perfect, and the best people know how to channel their shortcomings into lessons learned instead of heavy baggage.

You have not failed, but learned. This is just the part where you decide if you’ll move on and grow with people who have your back, or allow yourself to be weighed down by your supposed failures and enemies. Well, I’m no saint myself; I struggle with these very problems everyday and rarely take my own advice but I hope I helped.