Ballski’s (beapy) event application!

Ballski (past igns: oTear, Beapy)
I am 14 years of age (may 5th birthday)
How often can you host events?
Timetable of my schedule!
Monday 4:20pm - 9:00pm
Tuesday 4:20pm - 9:00pm
Wednesday 4:20pm - 9:00pm
Thursday 4:20pm - 9:00pm
Friday 4:20pm - 9:00pm
Saturday 10:00am - 10:00pm
10:00am - 10:00pm

What sets you apart from other applicants?

#1. I have hosted more miniature events (water-drop, death-run, etc) on other servers with friends from Munchy. These events gave me some experience on how events work and what I need to do. With this knowledge I believe that I know a lot about how the event works and the ins and outs of them, using this I can easily use some of the more complicated events.
#2. I am well known among the current event staff, I am good friends with all of the event staff (teeny, DutchMTC, and McDonalds) with the fact I’m friends with event members it will make it so much easier to learn things as they have gone through the same process and know exactly what to do.
#3. I can build maps very well due to the fact I have been using mods/helpers such as world edit an voxel for as long as I can remember. With this knowledge it’ll mean I can create more maps for events like water drop and other events. I would go far enough to say building is one of my specialty’s, especially when working in a team.
#4. I will host all events (not just ones you see everyday like water drop) I will host events like last to stop running, red rover parkour, and other underused events. I think events like water-drop are hosted way to much and that I need to host the other events to even out the amount of hosts. I will also host non manual events for the community such as red rover (because I don’t actually have to play)
#5 I am not biased to friends which means that If I catch them cheating in an event, or they are block glitching or delaying the event they will have the same punishment as everyone else, because it isn’t fair to not kick someone just because they are your friend.

What can you bring to munchymc as an Event Member?

I believe that as a munchy event member I have so much to offer, I am always active and online Munchy (maybe not to some people because of time zones) I spend most of my time on Munchy which is around 4-5 hours of playing. This means that I will be able to host events when everyone’s on. I also try my best to ensure everyone is happy on Munchy, if I’m online and someone asks me to host an event (not necessarily manual) if I have nothing I need to do I will try my best to host the event they wanted. As well as being online all of the time I also have the enthusiasm to host and want to be able to share my enthusiasm of events with the rest of the community. Because I love events so much I think that it is going to be so much more fun to play as I’m not just doing it for the enjoyment of members of munchymc but for me as well.

What do you think your reputation is like within the community?

my reputation among the community in my opinion is very good, I am friends with many event members and a few staff members (sript, Nate, mddey, etc) and am good friends with many fellow Munchy enthusiasts , undoubtedly I’ve had certain people who have gotten on my wrong side but I have tried to fix amends with all of those who I have wrongly offended in the past. Other than the 1-2 people I have had personal arguments in the past I am never really toxic (I do joke around a lot however). I love making friends with new people and recently I’ve found a friend group who make me feel comfortable in my own skin. I have never been banned on Munchy (and I don’t plan on anytime soon). I see myself as a pretty goofy guy and I am pretty laid back the majority of the time and a pretty chill and nice guy to be around. I also will stand up for anyone who is being harassed by another member because of there belief, sexuality, skin color or age I do not tolerate this sort of behavior and will immediately screenshot and report to staff immediately.

Why do you want to be on the event team?

I want to be part of the event team for too many reasons

  1. I love the event teams job and what they do! I really want to host events for people because as a member of the community myself I get so exited when there is a manual event being hosted. I can already feel the sensation of giving back to the community and hosting their favorite events! The satisfaction of knowing that you made someone else happy because of your actions is one of the best feelings in the world in my opinion.
  2. I would love to be able to work alongside some of my friends, as a lot of my friends on Munchy are event members I thought it would be fun to work alongside them (friends being: DutchMTC, McDonalds, TeenyRobot, and former member INateCo) working with friends is a great experience and I believe that everyone should be able to do it, and because they are really close friends it’ll be a dream come true to work with them :)
  3. I would like to gather experience of being part of a team, having experience is crucial to apply for servers, so being part team of a big server such as Munchymc it will first of all increase my chances of getting roles on other servers and secondly it will give me the knowledge and experience that I need to use on servers. I feel like if I get event on munchymc it’ll help me so much as in it’ll boost my confidence so much and will be like a key opening many new opportunities and ways to go.

Give us one strength and one weakness that you have:

my biggest strength is definitely being friends with other event staff, this means that I can be taught pretty quickly by the fellow members and also that it will be 10x more fun to host with them, However my biggest weakness is definitely the fact that I have never really hosted with large quantities of people before, I am used to just jokingly hosting with my friends small events and am not sure if it will be the same doing it with 20x the amount of people. However I think that it’ll be easy to get through once I have hosted my first event.

Give us one or more examples of an Event Member(s) doing something positive (I.E., Hosting an event when you asked, allowing you to become the slayer in RR,etc.)

to be honest there are way to many to fit in, I always ask (politely) for event members to host events (not always manual) and they will always do it, if I want super sumo they will host super sumo and if I want red rover they will host red rover! It’s really lucky to be friends with people like them because it makes my time on Munchy so Much more enjoyable when events (especially ones I haves personally asked for and wanted) have been hosted. I love how the team listen to the community and host what they want instead of just choosing themselves.
@Sript allowing me to train for water-drop and letting me play the maps.

@DutchMTC hosting events like sumo and redrover for me all the time c:

Anything else you would like to add:

The only thing I would like to add is my thanks to the event team and organizers for all the hard work you out in for the community <3

Thanks for reading,
Ballski (beapy)

(edits have been made to fix grammatical problems)



  • plenty of knowledge of events
  • knows the team
  • really active


My reasoning for this is:

  • You are extremely active.
  • You have ALOT of knowledge around hosting events.
  • You are very nice and have a great reputation within the community.
  • You application is very detailed and looks good.

I wish you the best of luck with your application!


Tysm miyaki ily <3

Ty c1!!!

1 Like


  • Mature

  • Active

  • Good application


  • None

Final rating: +1


Ayyy thanks jutal ;)

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+1 Active, mature in most situations, and has knowledge on events, good luck buddy <3


Thanks alty :)

Willing to host,
Well written application,
Great reputation within the community,

Best of Luck Beapy! (Ballski)


+1 Very nice, active great person in general. Hope to see you on the team. <3


Thanks Nate and Oryeo! <3

1 Like

Big +1

  • Very active
  • A lot of knowledge on events
  • Friendly
  • Detailed application

I think Beapy would make a great fit for event team. He is mature in important situations and knows a lot about hosting events.

Best of luck!!


thanks teeny <3

1 Like

Uhm… I wont be rating as in your application, there are quite some grammatical mistakes and the application seems quite… unprofessional. This is still my opinion but you are still my friend, Beap <3


that’s ok c: thanks anyways bear!


Good friend


thanks jimbo!

1 Like


  • Super active
  • Always kind & never toxic
  • Mature

Good luck!


omgomg ty storzzz!