Balancing and remastering Elementalist

Haste is for building, it does not actually help in pvp, not even in 1.9+ pvp.
For example, give yourself mining fatique 255 and hit some mobs.

We already have this.
The lightning bolt will hit anything else, but only the arrow will do damage to the target.
It’s just a weak attack in both AoE and Single Target from Crossbow.

There is not benefit from pulling the bow all the way back for the effect to trigger on the target, when you get teamed on, if anything you will shoot it once right before you die with a high chance it not triggering at all because of lagg.

You forgot Tracking Bow.
Instead of it to go forever for one target, when the target was within 50 blocks, the arrow will only go for the first in it’s own 5 blocks radius reach and target it for as long as it is in these 5 blocks, else continue flying till it hits the ground or gets another player in it’s reach.

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