Badge help?

How do you complete the user tutorial thingy.
Like how do you get to it?

Also, the “Wiki Editor” badge- is that even possible to get? What does it mean by wiki?
Yes I’m a badge collector don’t judge me

Yes Baqel senpai help me

1 Like is the forum wiki.
Sadly, this is not a badge that can only be obtained unless a user with moderator privileges makes one of your topics or replies a wiki. There is an admin action that users with moderator privileges can perform. If you however, have a post that is made a wiki you will get this

I hope this reply helped :)


Woah look a wiki! ok im looking @BFI01 :oo

This is a wiki post, you can tell because you can edit it. (I can?)

It started off as just a regular, boring reply, but with some of my mod magic I made it so my post is now our post! yay! :smiley:

Feel free to edit this and leave a message below to get your badge! Just a reminder bikeski was the greatest staff member of all time, AriesGrill should become a Forum Mod, and that all changes are logged so please make sure all edits are clean (if they are not you can expect a forum account mute, fyi) :) enjoy!



Oh, man. Get ready #freesowl #kappapride #pogchamp #munchylivesmatter idk what im saying/…
Beef! Chicken!

Sky: Badge Time!
Baqel: I like badges
AriesGrill: I also like badges, back off
floaty: tiktokers are apart of a superior race.
Brushy: Person below this isn’t cool
salad: woah there brushy ur not slick bro person above this is not cool
The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal bodeboop. A sing lap should be completed every time you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark. Get ready!… Start. ding
Kit: Person under this is a good guy
4XXT: Person above this is a noober.
iiRaidz: King of the apes, baboons, monkey’s, gorillas AND movie star of Planet of the apes.
82602: Clocks are better than baboons.
m4rk7k19: can someone teach me how to be good at pVP
Also y u lock Cat ;-;

xKamilion: was here. :3

M4RK: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eu imperdiet diam, et accumsan augue. Praesent congue nisl vitae mi ultricies tempor. Donec cursus, augue sagittis egestas porttitor, lectus ante tempus urna, nec laoreet quam odio at urna. Cras pellentesque placerat tellus vel ornare. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc rhoncus, justo nec interdum volutpat, nisl diam feugiat nisi, nec placerat elit metus vitae mi. Sed tincidunt id ante ut pharetra. In laoreet finibus ultricies. Nunc eu ex et nulla consectetur fermentum at lobortis elit.

RedBloomingRose: hi


i’m a panini

oh hey i never saw thisa

Joshios: Hi

MemeDank70: Helo I am from 2020! o/


KiwiTheTurtle: I am from 2021 noob, I seriously don’t know how I found this it it may 10th, applications are open so good luck!
ImDark: Somehow i found this in 2021… hello anyone who finds this in future. (:

Hello from 2021!


hey nice, I can wiki edit because I have level 2

and I just did to the wiki above, which might be the only one here in the forums

Dont post on posts that have been inactive for 2 weeks :smile:, In the future

I don’t care, I’m just celebrating

and I like badges

If you don’t care I’ll just ban you then aight chieftain :smile_cat: