Autumn Crate Gadget Ideas!

I would’ve called the CD Player directly the Sony Walkman if I knew how copyright law worked more (which I don’t have interest into anyways. [Not like copyright law is a big deal, necessarily it is just a item in a video game server after all.])

Your welcome for the names, as I felt as if this post was a little lacking in clever names. I was going to rush out a reply to this as soon as I had saw this anyways.

To be honest, if you straight out called the CD Player item in name as just a MP3 player, that would be a waste of a clever name, but I do understand the thought.

Regardless, I am happy that you are thanking me, and I say your welcome. I am glad my input was helpful and useful in some way or another. It wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t made your wonderful topic.

Nonetheless, thanks for reading! :heart:
