Autumn Crate Gadget Ideas!

OMG so many ideas, can’t wait for the new crates. Also thanks for putting all the time in to think of these Kami, Drgnfruits and Fae. IK that takes a lot of brainstorming time.

Here are some of my thoughts on the proposed items:

[DISCLAIMER: Some of these may be very off the mark, or I could be missing things entirely. This isn’t meant to be a super thought-out refutation of any of your ideas, this is just what came to mind thinking about the items, feel free to criticize!]

  • Thanksgiving Turkey: Great idea, but I’d allow it to count for the standard food points that cooked chicken usually gives, just because with how easy food is to get on the server with things like community farms and /kit, it doesn’t really need that nerf in my opinion.

  • Spooky Skull: If you mean standard invis where its just the player gone and all armor visible, 2 minutes long wouldn’t be bad at all especially with a cooldown, but I don’t see the use. If you mean to hide all armor including the skull, please no. If that were the case you would need to make the ability something closer to Ninja kits length, just because being entirely invis is extremely OP. A middle ground if you want the ability to last longer would be to make it similar to the Vold skull from prison last map, which would make the wearer and their armor entirely invisible, all except for the skull itself. So maybe something like that, but it’s passive? IDK just thoughts.

  • Farmer’s Lead: No issues with it, I personally wouldn’t use it, since having an anet renders it useless, but I don’t see any harm in it. Maybe give it a very common drop chance so people have this as an option over anets in-game? Also if possible, make it so it can’t break and leave the animals, so its easier to fly with them.

  • Witch’s Potion: +1, the randomness of the affect your opponent gets balances this nicely along with the cooldown.

  • Cozy Lantern: Because permanent night vision is a ranked perk, I think that having this item would be nice, but it doesn’t need a cooldown. Just require it to be in the owner’s hotbar for it to function.

  • Hocus Pocus: Not a bad idea, but maybe make it 3 random hostile mobs, since three witches consistently mean your opponent has a chance to get weakness, slowness, and poison all at once, which is very hard to combat if they run out of milk.

  • Propeller Hat: +1, as long as it’s one of the more common items, this would be very fun for people.

  • All Hallow’s Eve: This would be a fine item to have, but I’d be worried about it and the Hocus Pokus being used in unison. Imo, I think there should only be one item like this, and the cooldown should also be opponent specific so that incase someone gets fought by multiple people, they only have to fight one ability use per cooldown time-increment.

  • Halloween Candy: Sounds wholesome and without issues, maybe add an option to give it to other people? Kinda fits with the theme of giving and receiving treats on Halloween.

  • Wizard’s Wand: Randomizing the direction is a good balance here, but 100 blocks is a pretty big distance if you trying to fight someone. Maybe make it something like 25? That way it would still give them time to drink a pot or eat a gap or whatever they need to do, but doesn’t stop fights entirely.

  • Armour set: Nothing wrong with this, but obviously since protection levels don’t match netherite, it won’t be used for PVP, and I don’t think making a PVP meta that involves switching armor pieces all the time would be very enjoyable for survival. If it’s not meant as a PVP item, it definetely doesn’t harm anything, I just don’t see it being particularly usefull I guess.

  • Samhain’s Bow: As it is described currently, a buff would probably be good for it. But if you buffed with infinity, bowspam would never stop since it doesn’t lose durability. If you gave it maxed vanilla enchants like aph said plus the flame 2, that would be an option. Another option would be to add something like a right-click ability, maybe a special arrow like a bomb arrow that does explosive damage and gives the spectral glow affect to all players damaged? Cooldown would have to be significant though, maybe 90 seconds.

  • CD Player: +1+1+1+1+1, just remove that awful scratchy sounding one from the random selections so people can’t use it to annoy people too too much.