
Ok, so I got false tempbanned on KITPVP for “cheating,” yet I was using Badlion client. Was this just a glitch or is there seriously something wrong with the anticheat?

The Anticheat is a bit buggy, however, they’re trying to fix it. I suggest making an appeal to be Unbanned.

Regards, Tfis

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Anti cheat has been false banning people daily since the lunar ban and going on badlion client flags the logs even more

Badlion client is a hacked client because it has the word client in it.


Everyone listen to ricky, he is smart.


Yeah the anticheat is kind of bad at the moment, it’s currently being worked on. If you ever do get falsely autobanned go to the community discord and refer towards the #autobanned channel!

What is the community discord?

When you join Munchy, do /discord a register code and the link will show up. Put the code into the discord to register and you’ll be in the discord.



I wouldn’t be using Badlion Client as it will increase your chances of falsebans occurring. Just use normal Minecraft or add mods for your interface like LabyMod.

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Fam, u can still cheat on badlion client just saying

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The anti-cheat is currently being improved. There’s no set date when this new update will be out, but we can only hope for soon. Like Gawkyy said, the discord or the teamspeak are the best places to go in order to have an autoban resolved. Final note on this topic, the Badlion Client is not perfect, and has holes that certain clients are able to abuse. I’m not saying you’re cheating, just a little forewarning that being on the Badlion client doesn’t guarantee legitimacy for anyone using it. Apologies on the false ban by the way

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if you were recording or have a screenshot of being on badlien client when you were banned you can probably get unabnned, things like this is always why I have instant replay on via my nvidia experience on

What anticheat lol

:ooo you’re a genius! I would have never thought of that!!! You’re right!!!

wouldn’t he know that if he were cheating though

i am such an iq 20000 reasoning :ok_hand: :ok_woman: :100:

At least this anticheat actually bans people, in hypixel it takes like 30mins to ban a bhopper / aura / flyhacker.

Actually this may be beneficial for Munchy if this was a thing. Since your KDR won’t be messed up because the kills are removed if a hacker is banned, I think it’d be better for the anticheat to make sure that the person is actually hacking, instead of banning people that are legit as OP suggested.

yeh , but they screw up a lot of streaks before getting banned and it will wast half an hour of pvp.

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And if he was cheating on badlion client would he not act like he didnt know?