An important decision regarding my mod

I have to make an important decision regarding my mod, I may discontinue it, as nobody will trust the mod since it got me banned. Or I can discontinue it, and I was wondering if the woolwars community could help me decide that. If I continued it I would buy a test server to test the mod before using it on munchy.

Sorry for making like 2 posts today but I hope you can forgive me :pleading_face: :laughing:

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1. There is nothing wrong with making multiple posts in one day as long as they are not spamming
2. I suggest that you stop using the mod as it could get you banned again unless you recode it and make sure the parts that made it go wrong are corrected.


I added faulty code which is long gone now, though my reputation for making mods is probably "SuperSoda is gonna make a mod that will get me banned " lmao so thatโ€™s my point really.