All the woolwars bugs


  • The sandstone fails to fill up the map, leaving gaps that can be stood on
  • The map room has a bookshelf made of valuables, the diamond and gold blocks can be mined to make notch apples and diamond armor
  • Kills don’t seem to give tokens, your kill is not registered if you knock the opponent off the map. if kills do give tokens and I’m not aware, make a chat notification that tells you that you have earned tokens
  • The map dreamscape’s ice melts into water
  • the sandstone not only kills players, but also items, any item that gets within ~20 blocks of it is deleted, as such killing an enemy at the beginning of a game does not drop items.
  • Some maps can be glitched out of with an ender pearl
  • Add a message saying how a player died ex. “IceBreaker420 was knocked off of a cliff by BadBoyHalo”
  • Buff the glider kit, way too Underpowered
  • Add leaderboards, these stats don’t matter to me if they don’t make me famous. (no not the forums leaderboards that nobody looks at, like an actual leaderboards or a tag like kitpvp has)
  • The map room, again. The trophy is made out of gold blocks, you can get 4-6 enchanted golden apples in one game.
  • allow ranks to host private matches with custom settings.
  • the grand canyon map, the walls of this map can be hid behind during games.
  • “you cannot break this block” occurs with blocks placed by the player on the map room sometimes
    My kit suggestion: Enchanter
    1 Enchantment table
    3 levels
    3 lapis lazuli
    Gain 1 bottle o xp per kill
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this is most of the stuff i know about, ill add more if i find.

Im pretty sure Fumaz already know about those

He is working on a new update i think and hopefully everything will be fixed

Passed on to Fumaz, thanks.

Thanks for posting a bug report. I will look into all of them and fix them as soon as possible.

  • Fumaz

swear you’ve been saying that for since you got dev on woolwars and I’m still seeing the same bugs being reported :eyes:

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that’s because i haven’t updated woolwars yet.
everything is already fixed in the new update. it’s just not released yet because i’m still working on new features and other stuff.