Add buying kits with tokens back

I don’t really know why it was removed.

Buying kits with tokens made munchy fun. You having a hard time fighting people? Grind for a new kit on triple token Wednesday!

Also buying kits with tokens makes people want to buy ranks like super more!

Having a hard time grinding? Buy super to get some kits and some tokens just in case your favorite kit isn’t included!

I know super isn’t the best rank. But its not as expensive as elite or legend. It’s a perfect 1st rank IF buying kits with tokens is added back.

I know this isn’t related to kits, but add back buying particles with tokens too! Legend, super and elite players would probably love to have this future because kill particles is another thing to grind for!

I know upon buying legend and elite rank (i excluded super rank from this because you dont get all kits from super) You get tokens, but by increasing the price on the particles, both elite and legend players can grind.

(Back to kits)

Super rank ALSO gets a 15% tokens when killing a player. This is another great reason to add buying kits with tokens because it would incite players to buy ranks because you get more tokens upon kills to help with the grind for your favorite kits.

It would also make more players participate more in events like the juggernaut events because that gives tokens. Also in general, people would join more events for the token prize.

To conclude, adding back buying kits with tokens would benefit the entire community.


Believe it or not, buying kits with tokens was removed because of Dream. Before he got famous on YouTube, he wanted to make more money off of Munchy, so he (silently) disabled buying kits with tokens. This forced people to either vote for the server or buy them for real money. Now that Dream is famous, he doesn’t have time for us peasants and hasn’t taken the 5 seconds to ask the devs to add buying kits with tokens back.

Edit: Is that a lynx in a bathtub?

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That’s kind of scummy to do.

Also, yes its big floppa in the bathtub

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Money changes people. I hope munchy get’s better

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Munch kinda alrdy in da crapper. Here’s a list of problems munch has: overly toxic, dying server in general, lack of community influence in how server works, slow to patch bugs, hardly ever updates, and finally, munch is a bit on the money hungry side. I mean a bit because it’s not even close to the most money hungry servers out there, it’s just a bit more on the money hungry side than not, hence not being able to buy kits with tokens.

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