[A1Z26] 28 November 2021

[NOTE: In decoding, all numbers (from 1 to 26) are separated by any non-digit symbol (dash, space).]

20-23-5-14-20-25-5-9-7-8-20-8 15-6 14-15-22-5-13-2-5-18, 20-23-5-14-20-25-20-23-5-14-20-25-15-14-5

8-5-25! 8-15-23’19 5-22-5-18-25-15-14-5 2-5-5-14! 9-20’19 2-5-5-14 20-23-15 13-15-14-20-8-19 19-9-14-3-5 9’22-5 13-1-4-5 15-14-5 15-6 20-8-5-19-5 “112626” 16-15-19-20-19 1-14-4 9’22-5 4-5-3-9-4-5-4 20-15 13-1-11-5 1-14-15-20-8-5-18 15-14-3-5 6-15-18 6-21-14.

14-15-14-5-20-8-5-12-5-19-19, 9’22-5 2-5-5-14 16-18-5-20-20-25 6-9-14-5. 9 19-20-1-18-20-5-4 20-25-16-9-14-7 20-8-9-19 1-20 20-23-15 1-13, 19-15 9-20’19 17-21-9-20-5 12-1-20-5 6-15-18 13-5. 9 10-21-19-20 6-9-14-9-19-8-5-4 13-25 214-4 18-15-13-1-14-3-5 1-14-9-13-5 20-8-9-19 23-5-5-11 2-5-3-1-21-19-5 9 23-1-19 2-15-18-5-4, 2-21-20 9 7-15-20 12-5-20 4-15-23-14 2-5-3-1-21-19-5 9 4-15-21-2-20 9-20’19 7-15-14-14-1 7-5-20 1 214-4 19-5-1-19-15-14 2-5-3-1-21-19-5 9-20 5-14-4-5-4 9-14 20-23-5-14-20-25-20-23-5-12-22-5 15-18 19-15, 1-14-4 9 4-15-21-2-20 20-8-1-20 9-20 23-15-14’20 7-5-20 15-14-5 1-14-25-23-1-25-19, 2-5-3-1-21-19-5 9 4-15-14’20 20-8-9-14-11 9-20 23-1-19 20-8-5 13-15-19-20 16-15-16-21-12-1-18. 9-20 9-19 20-15-14-1-18-9 14-15 11-1-9-2-21-20-19-21-11-21-14, 9-6 25-15-21 3-1-18-5. 1-14-20-9-3-12-9-13-1-20-9-3 5-14-4-9-14-7 9-14 13-25 15-16-9-14-9-15-14. 9-20 19-8-15-21-12-4’22-5 7-15-20 20-23-5-14-20-25-19-9-24 5-16-9-19-15-4-5-19 9-14 13-25 15-16-9-14-9-15-14.

7-15-9-14-7 15-14 20-8-5 20-15-16-9-3 15-6 19-21-18-22-9-22-1-12 :survival: 12-9-11-5 9 4-9-4 9-14 20-8-5 16-18-5-22-9-15-21-19 16-15-19-20 15-6 20-8-9-19 22-1-18-9-5-20-25, 9 8-1-22-5-14’20 12-15-7-7-5-4 15-14 6-15-18 1 23-5-5-11 20-15 2-5 8-15-14-5-19-20. 9’22-5 2-5-5-14 6-15-3-21-19-9-14-7 15-14 19-3-8-15-15-12 1-14-4 23-8-1-20-14-15-20, 19-15 9 8-1-22-5-14’20 2-5-5-14 16-18-9-15-18-9-20-9-26-9-14-7 9-20. 19-16-5-1-11-9-14-7 15-6 1-21-20-15-19-15-18-20-5-18-19, 9 18-5-13-15-22-5-4 20-8-5 15-14-5 20-8-1-20 23-1-19 9-14 13-25 19-13-1-12-12 23-15-15-12 20-15-23-5-18. 9 4-5-3-9-4-5-4 20-15 20-18-1-19-8 1 12-15-20 15-6 13-25 10-21-14-11 13-1-20-5-18-9-1-12-19, 1-14-4 16-21-20 9-20 9-14 13-25 6-18-9-5-14-4, 9-3-5-25-12-9-7-8-20’19, 1-21-20-15-19-15-18-20-5-18. 9 16-18-1-3-20-9-3-1-12-12-25 13-9-14-9-13-9-26-5-4 1-12-12 15-6 13-25 13-1-20-5-18-9-1-12-19 9-14-20-15 12-9-11-5 8 19-8-21-12-11-5-18-19. 8-15-23-5-22-5-18, 9 4-9-4 3-15-12-12-5-3-20 1 12-15-20 15-6 13-1-20-5-18-9-1-12-19, 2-5-3-1-21-19-5 9 8-1-4 1 16-18-15-10-5-3-20 9 23-1-19 23-15-18-11-9-14-7 15-14. 19-15 23-8-5-14 9 6-9-14-9-19-8-5-4 19-1-9-4 16-18-15-10-5-3-20, 9 13-1-11-5 1 2-9-7-7-5-18, 25-5-20, 19-13-1-12-12 1-21-20-15-19-15-18-20-5-18. 9 1-12-19-15 19-15-18-20-5-4 13-25 13-9-19-3-5-12-12-1-14-5-15-21-19 9-20-5-13-19 9-14-20-15 2-1-18-18-5-12-19, 12-9-11-5 13-25 30 7-15-12-4-5-14 19-8-15-22-5-12-19, 15-18 13-25-- 21-8-- 19-20-1-3-11 1-14-4 1 8-1-12-6 15-6 19-13-9-20-8-9-14-7 20-1-2-12-5-19. 6-21-14 6-1-3-20: 9 8-1-22-5 16-12-1-3-5-4 1 25-1-3-8-20 12-15-1-4 15-6 19-13-9-20-8-9-14-7 20-1-2-12-5-19 20-8-9-19 19-5-1-19-15-14. 1-21-20-15-19-15-18-20-5-18-19 5-1-20 21-16 8-15-16-16-5-18-19 12-9-11-5 16-5-15-16-12-5 4-18-9-14-11 23-1-20-5-18, 23-8-9-3-8 9-19 1 16-1-9-14 23-8-5-14 25-15-21 19-16-5-14-4 19-20-1-3-11-19 15-6 19-20-1-3-11-19 15-6 9-18-15-14 2-12-15-3-11-19 15-14 19-13-9-20-8-9-14-7 20-1-2-12-5-19.

14-15-14-5-20-8-5-12-5-19-19, 9’12-12 5-14-4 20-8-9-19 20-15-16-9-3 15-6-6 8-5-18-5. 9 4-15-14’20 8-1-22-5 13-21-3-8 20-15 20-1-12-11 1-2-15-21-20 9-14 1-12-12 6-1-9-18-14-5-19-19, 2-21-20 9 18-5-1-12-12-25 12-9-11-5 20-8-5 7-9-13-13-9-3-11 15-6 4-15-9-14-7 16-15-19-20-19 9-14 3-9-16-8-5-18-19. 13-1-25-2-5 9’12-12 4-15 1-14-15-20-8-5-18 15-14-5 15-6 20-8-5-19-5 9-14 1 4-9-6-6-5-18-5-14-20 3-9-16-8-5-18. 23-8-15’12-12 11-14-15-23. 9 20-8-9-14-11 9’12-12 12-1-25 4-15-23-14 1-14-4 7-15 20-15 19-12-5-5-16 19-15-15-14, 19-15 9 4-15-14’20 23-1-14-20 20-15 4-18-1-7 20-8-9-19 15-21-20 1-14-25 6-21-18-20-8-5-18. 1-14-25-23-1-25-19, 16-12-5-1-19-5 12-9-11-5 9-6 25-15-21 23-5-18-5 1-2-12-5 20-15 16-18-15-16-5-18-12-25 20-18-1-14-19-12-1-20-5 20-8-9-19 1-14-4 15-18 5-14-10-15-25-5-4 20-8-9-19 20-15-16-9-3. 8-1-22-5 1 7-15-15-4 5-22-5-14-9-14-7 15-18 14-9-7-8-20 23-8-5-14-5-22-5-18 25-15-21 4-5-3-15-4-5 20-8-9-19 20-15-16-9-3. 3-9-1-15.




Body unclear

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I give up

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do iget free things if i do this

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I’m someone who likes to kill other people’s fun

here’s the translation:

28th of November 2021

hey! how’s everyone been! it’s been two months since I’ve made one of these “A1Z26” posts and I’ve decided to make another one for fun.

nonetheless, I’ve been pretty fine. I started typing this at two am, so it’s quite late for me. I just finished my 2nd romance anime this week because I was bored, but I got let down because I doubt it’s gonna get a 2nd season because it ended in 2012 or so, and I doubt that it won’t get one anyway because I don’t think it was the most popular. it is tonari no kaibutsukun, if you care.

anti-climatic ending in my opinion. it should’ve got 26 episodes in my opinion.

going on the topic of survival :survival: like I did in the previous post of this variety, I haven’t logged on for a week, to be honest. I’ve been focusing on school and whatnot, so I haven’t been prioritizing it. speaking of auto sorters, I removed the one that was in my small wool tower. I decided to trash a lot of my junk materials and put them in my friend, iceylight’s, auto sorter. I practically minimized all of my materials into shulkers. however, I did collect a lot of materials, because I had a project I was working on. so when I finished said project, I made a bigger, yet, small auto sorter. I also sorted my miscellaneous items into barrels, like my undefined golden shovels, or my- uh- stack and a half of smithing tables. fun fact: I have placed a yacht load of smithing tables this season. auto sorters eat up hoppers like people drink water, which is a pain when you spend stacks of stacks of iron blocks on smithing tables.

nonetheless, I’ll end this topic off here. I don’t have much to talk about in all fairness, but I really like the gimmick of doing posts in ciphers. maybe I’ll do another one of these in a different cipher. who’ll know? I think I’ll lay down and go to sleep soon, so I don’t want to drag this out any further. anyways, please like if you were able to properly translate this and or enjoyed this topic. have a good evening or night whenever you decode this topic. ciao.