9q2e_crash event team app

IGN and past IGN’s: my cerint ign is 9q2e_craash my past names are

Timezone:Eastern Standard Time

How often can you host events: when ever i am on abut evrey day abut 2-3 timse a day

What sets you apart from other applicants:i dont rlly know but i wold say in chat what event thay want and then i will host the event i see the most of

What can you bring to MunchyMC as an Event Member:alot of pepol will have fun with the evints i host and how often i host them

Give us one or more examples of an Event Member(s) doing something positive (I.E. Hosting an event when you asked, allowing you to become the slayer in RR, etc.)

Anything else you would like to add: i like munch


I would recommend you answer this question. It’s asking what event members you have seen doing good.

This isn’t something you can bring to the event team, this is just what every event member is required to do. What can you personally bring?

Every event member does this, that’s not unique. What makes you unique?

I’m not going to vote, but I am going to give you some tips for your application.

  • bold (** bold**) your questions so they stand out from your answers.
  • read accepted and denied applications so you know what to and what not to do. If you would have read some, you would know what we are looking for in a member, and you would know how to answer all the questions correctly.

Good luck!

edit- My mistake, I found your profile, for some reason it didn’t show up before.

So I’m sorry I gotta say, you had horrible grammar, and I could tell you spent about 5-10 min on this and like none of your time. I would recommend spending time on this if you really want event team staff. I would also reccommend before applying your self look at some other peoples applications and look at why they either got accepted or denied and figure out how to make your application better.

-1 from me sorry


@iiSyrup i spent 30 -40 minits arond

@Brush_Your_Teeth um my porfile is raght here https://www.munchymc.com/profile/9q2e_crash
it says i joind in 2017

I think what @iiSyrup means is that your application doesn’t look like it took a ton of time. It took me a few days to perfect mine before I posted it. I think adding more detail would be the best thing- if you look at some of the accepted applications, you can see how much time and effort it took.

Just some feedback, maybe going through a couple of times and reading it over may help? It is understandable to have a few grammatical mishaps, but maybe next time be more careful.
I wish you luck with your application!

Hi 9q2e! Not to be rude but I’m not sure if this is a troll application ;-; but if it isn’t here’s what I think-

You have a lot (a lot) of spelling errors and most of your answers aren’t specific enough
I haven’t really seen you on much but I’m glad to hear you enjoy Munchy!

I’ll have to give you a -1
But I do wish you the best of luck!

Yes, sorry I didn’t mean to say it in a rude way.

it my coments cam off as mean i am saroy

I’m sorry, I have had to -1 a lot of applications recently, and it looks like that will continue. You say it took you 30-40 minutes on your application? Mine only took 30 minutes to write, and edit it. If you really wanted the role you would go the extra mile and actually have a decent application. You seem pretty argumentative. Just because syrup came off as mean, you shouldn’t get defensive. He gave you some good advice! So yeah, sorry. -1