555k's Media Application

Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/JHGamers

Number of subs: 2,337

Average number of views per vid: Not sure really. It depends on the content.

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: I’ve been making minecraft videos for a while and streaming a bit. I haven’t made a video on munchy YET. I Really want to get media rank before i stream and record. I hope this makes sense and i won’t be declined because of this reason.

Servers for which you have created content: ChickenMC (My old server), LongShot (Streamed, currently maintenance so i can’t record.), Hypixel, FoughtCloud & others

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I think it can help me grow as a individual and can bring good vibes and more players and keep the community alive with active streams and recordings giving those a chance to be in those recordings / streams making them want to be active and enjoy the server more.

Thanks for your time! I hope the fact that i want media rank before recording / streaming won’t effect this application. Anyways thanks for the opportunity to apply.


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Put out some content for Munchy before making an application. That’ll increase your chances of getting Media. +0


The application states that you need to have been making videos on MunchyMc for at least a month. Here’s a link.

Yes, this will. The whole point of Media really, is to have created content, then stumble across this rank and want it to help improve the quality of your videos, or just support your YT channel / the server

Where are your recordings? Record before applying my guy what is this lol
Nice try

Still no staff reply…

It’s been 26 days and you have still not created any Munchymc content. This was your perfect opportunity to prove that you are Media worty.


I think that you should post some MunchyMC videos

hi 555k 29planets guy

I’ve never seen you on munchy, and all you do on your channel is clickbait.

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-1 , you never even come online at all. You came once before to advertise your YT then left.

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Sorry, you don’t quite meet requirements at this time.