2M Blocks mined / Thoughts / Quitting?

First of all Nice post! :+1:
Thats how it looks when someone take the topic serious!

You have a lot of interesting comments regarding each topic!
I agree that on the topics regarding items and achievements…
It would be awesome if some kind of things could be done against this…

Regarding the Outside I dont mind it… I have 0 rank so i have that cooldown which is kinda frustrating but I understand that this is to give ranks more perks…

I think people always find some kind of way to obtain certain items if you try to look for small cracks in the system…

I never really figured out the rules about alting but I dont really use Alts anyway so it won’t really be a problem for me… But I totally agree that it should be clear what rules are allowed…
I hope for a 0 alting rule because people will then think twice before leaving prison

I feel like even more EU staff could be added… Idk but I feel like the server really is also trying to become more friendly to EU players though…

Competitive something… i dont even know that word but maybe another type of reward should be giving in the future to the player who gets prestige 1 first and so on…

I totally agree on the voting stuff… I dont vote at all because I mostly play on prison and therefor see no reason why I would want tokens…

Btw nice stats