2 OG’s just quit today

I’m not sure the reason they “quit” was because a few people are being overly toxic.

The fact is, there will always be people who try and annoy you, or do something that you’d rather not have them do. If you let them define how fun this server is, then you’re not going to have a good time. But if you are doing something you love, then the toxic people won’t change your mind. If you are doing something you love, you will have a good time.

If we crack down on every single toxic thing, everyone will be complaining, asking us to not be so harsh. In the past 4 years of Munchy, we’ve gotten to a good middle ground.

If you think someone is overly toxic, report them. Argue your case and I’m sure a punishment will be handed out. If they tell you to kill yourself, then obviously they will be punished accordingly. Simply report them and we will handle it.