2 OG’s just quit today

Most people are quitting because of the toxicity in the community. I am just going to make this really terse. @Admin(yes I tagged the admin team plznoban) Maybe the staff needs to crack down on this issue to make the server more of a friendly and warm place to ‘make’ players stay and not quit.


People are quitting because they’re getting tired of the server/minecraft

Edit: Nvm I think people might be quitting because of toxicity. But how do you suggest that the staff team stop people from being “toxic”?

Honestly just lost motivation to grind kills in kitpvp and more importantly lost the will to play munchy. Nothing is new, I’ve been waiting half a year for a new map on prison and the amount of players the server had due to skeppy making videos have died down. Main reasons why I rarely play on munchy, I used to be on for more than 7 hours a day.


That would be extremely hard to moderate

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I mean they really need new helpers to solve this matter.

Or at least just mute the people that tell other people to go kill themselves, or other things. I don’t think that’s hard to moderate, but perhaps with the fast chat it is.

I mean be better at it XD
(Anoder edit)
I take that back actually, I think the server just needs to be a bit more tight, like whenever ppl call others retards and really meaning it, and not as a joke. Hard to explain but I’m sure you get the jist.

They already do that.

Edit: most of the time if you report someone with a screenshot in the discord they will get muted if they’re breaking the rules

Munchy is only fun when certain people are online, like yestaday when emu hatool napkin tabletop etc came on we were making massive 20 man parties and doing fights. Apart from that it’s pretty boring if you’ve been playing for so long. Munchy needs to be more competitive and give rewards. How seasons/clans were added for example. These are actually really good but the staff need to be more consistent. Pretty sure season 2 finished around a month ago and we havent heard anything about season 3.


Couldn’t have said it better myself.
I think that the Idea Team needs to get rid of inactive members. I’m not sure if since I left the Discord things have changed since, but there were a good ( at least) 3 members that weren’t active or had very little activity.
They are the ones coming up with ideas after all.

If you care about people being toxic you really need to grow up.

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Are you saying I need to grow up? I’m confused

Edit: I don’t care about someone telling me to kill myself over minecraft

He doesn’t need to grow up, the ones being toxic are the ones that need to grow up :joy:
People shouldn’t be telling each other to kill themselves over a damn game. It’s stupid. The toxic people themselves tell the other to grow up even though they’re the ones harassing them*
Just my opinion, though.

I always seem to have the unpopular opinion in these scenarios.

I’m not talking about one person in particular needing to grow up. Anyone who actually gets offended by someone telling you to kill yourself or anything similar need to grow up.

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Oh ok then I agree.

It’s not fun playing a game/server without a goal, I’ve already completed some goals I’ve came up with for munchy. I do believe that people are leaving because of how toxic the community is, a friend I’ve known since the summer who has played munchy quit because of how toxic the community is.


I agree with your idea of having a goal, I really like having something to work towards. But if the someone quits because of a few people being toxic, I just find it stupid. I don’t care at all what people say to me online.


Well I mean, everyone’s different. For example, I’m for sensitive to words because I consider myself to be more kind in nature, and I don’t like people being mean because I think it’ll rub off on me and I’ll become the person I despise most myself. We would all have our own different reasons for leaving.

I honestly didn’t find the community being toxic, I usually ignore chat. but yea I personally don’t care who calls me names and is toxic towards me, as long as its not excessive.

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I quit because I got bored of logging on and doing the same old thing every day. That is why I applied for event rank, to try and make it more enjoyable for me and others, as I knew there were more people who felt the same way I did. However, my app was out there for like 3-4 months with no response and I just gave up trying. Its still fun coming on every couple of days and talking for a couple minutes with people I used to hang out with.


I strongly agree with you. I used to come on everyday for 7 hours just pvping and having a good time. All of a sudden I just lost motivation to play as munchy was the only server I play and losing that motivation just made me not play the game at all. Doing the same thing everyday is just isn’t my thing anymore, I’m not sure if its just me or like I’m growing up but, I really don’t have that feeling I had before where I would play everyday.