Youdy_YT Media Application V3

Channel link:

Number of subs: 1.9k

Average number of views per vid: 900

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: 7 Years I usually stream on munchy and host random events to play in. Here is the latest stream where I team wiped a CRR:

Servers for which you have created content: PvPdojo, McPvP, Hardcore Games, McTeams, Hg-Kits, Minemen, Lunar, Minecraft Monday, SoupsMC, any many more.

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I’ve been playing minecraft pvp for quite a long time, and making videos is what keeps me from getting bored. I love to make videos, and having media on munchy will open a whole new door of possibilities. Along the way as a Media, I’d get to know the community better and be a better person. I know as of right now, I am a little toxic, but I am learning from my past. I hope you consider this application well, and have a good day!


+1 very good app.

Hes a very good content creater hes, unique, entertaining, definitely deserves media.

+1 fast click refill ape man 1234

Application denied. Please message me on discord. NoEffortName#9999