XXYY's Media Rank Application

Channel link: XXYY - YouTube
(visit my 2nd channel for more viewing of my history with munchy, I was younger so It might be cringe.)

Number of subs: 981

Average number of views per vid: 50+

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: - 6 years on Munchy, 2 - 3 years on MCPVP.

Servers for which you have created content: MunchyMC , Hypixel.

*What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?:

**I have an indistinguishable username and I know alot of the staff well, I’m quite known around the server because I’ve been around for quite awhile, I’ve made videos that I’ve yet to edit of me giving out hundreds of dollars worht of 1 month Legend Rank to people on the server, Lifetime for one individual I even often buy people client Emotes. People on the server often find me humorous and ecstatic. I also stream MunchyMC survival on twitch! In all, I’ve been wanting to get back into editing, I’ve recently graduated and I have all the time in the world to record and edit content to my liking and hopefully yours too! <3 -XXYY


Hi XXYY. Thank you for your interest in the media rank for MunchyMC. At this time, I will have to deny your application. After reviewing your channel and its content, it has been found that you do not meet the requirements for MunchyMC media rank which can be found here. Please feel free to reapply once this criteria is met.