XeNitrogen's Media Application

Channel link: https://youtube.com/xenitrogen

Number of subs: 319

Average number of views per vid: About 100 views, sometimes 200 views

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: A few months.

Servers for which you have created content: MunchyMC (Why munchymc staff members are the greatest) SpaceGens (I always live stream there) and many other minehut servers.

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I believe my channel comes under the “Growing channel” section. I’ve always been a small creator that just wants to make a name for themselves. No matter what even if I don’t get accepted for the media team I’ll still be streaming on munchymc having a good time with viewers & friends. I’ve made a video named “Why munchymc staff members are the greatest” (thanks for supporting that video <3) Which I think is a good starting point for more content to come. Maybe a rundown of all the woolwars & kitpvp kits next.

Hey there!

It’s nice to see you have a growing channel. However, I’m almost positive you need much more Munchy content on your channel. Just complimenting the staff won’t give you the role ;)

I wish you good luck though! Just make sure to upload some more content that’s Munchy-based.

Hiya XeNitrogen!
You don’t quiet meet the requirements to join the media team yet, I would like to see you create more MunchyMC content, and grow your channel before re-applying. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me on discord. ( EeveeNoises#0014 )

Please wait 1 month before reapplying

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