XenForo's Event Team Application

judging by everyone else response i would definitely want you on the event team. app is gr8 and you seem like a genuine guy to get the job done :smiley:


Yeah I’m not going to lie after my application when Grye brought up old messages I decided I was due for an apology towards a lot of people I was rude towards, I haven’t been muted for toxicity or anything along the lines for that since January 17th, appreciate it man.

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Extremely toxic towards me and my friends, I’ve had several discord conversations where he would just mimic everything I said. He seems like a nice guys and i probably just got a bad first impression of him but I wouldn’t define him as mature or responsible.


I don’t know you at all so I can’t judge how mature and toxic you are, although some comments suggest you are or have been toxic, but I can judge activity. From what I’ve heard is that you are a prison player and not KitPvP. You say in your application that as of recent you’ve been playing more KitPvP but I’ve never seen you once in the last like 5 weeks. So I’m not sure if you’re a good addition to the event team if I base it on activity and comments about your toxicity.




Welp, I’m sorry that I never saw you on before but I’ve been playing Kit a lot everyday man don’t know what to say to this, hopefully I see you soon though.


Hey there @XenForo,

Your application has,

  • Good detail
  • Good responses to questions

You are,

  • Active
  • Nice/Friendly
  • You genially seem to be changing your old toxic ways in December, and it really shows that you’ve shown improvement to bettering yourself

You have my support!

Best of luck!


I don’t know you all that well but in my personal experience and what I’ve seen in game you’re a really nice, fun, and active player. You might have been toxic a few months ago but you’ve had more than enough time to better yourself, and you clearly have. Overall great application and I think you’d be a good event member.

+1 From me, good luck!!


Can be very mature but can also be a bit toxic sometimes as seen in the screenshots posted above… BUT that was months ago and he is trying to improve as of now and i feel as if he were to receive Event it would help him improve upon acting mature TONS and also give him an opportunity to prove himself.

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Haven’t known him for too long and I have seen slight instances of “toxicity”. I believe it requires a lot of effort to change how someone is and If the resolve is there, Xenforo would make a great Event member. Best of wishes!




Recently I have talked with XenForo a lot and have got to know him pretty well. He is a very active and dedicated player of our community. Having some of his event ideas implemented into the event world aswel as being active in the Idea Team Panel proves that XenForo is really creative and could bring some interesting events to our server as a Event Team Member.

The only reason of me giving him a 0.8 instead of a full +1 is because sometimes XenForo can be a little bit too toxic towards people, yes, XenForo has improved his maturity, but I feel like it can there is still more room for improvement.

Best of luck XenForo.

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Application denied. Unfortunately, we do not feel like you meet the maturity requirements to become an event team member.