Wool Wars Rap

Oh look, it’s dinnertime


why is everyone always hatin on me
(it kinda rhymes idk)

because you hacked and committed a crime

onnnn woolwars, woolwars, woolwars, yeah we playin’ woolwars, woolwars, woolwars

Every day every hour turn that wins into power

The end

but guess what nothing ends

Wait, it was a community game? Why wasn’t it put into general? I thought there was something serious going on in here…


lol lets keep going

No, because woolwars never ends!

I know this is technically necroposting but ya’ll I need to ask what you guys think would be a good beat to go with this monster of a rap, I’m not good at finding beats…
edit: I think I found one that I’m ok with. If anyone has any recommendations please tell me lol.

Any beat is ok, since with a text like that you need to go off-beat a lot.

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it’s not necro necro is 14+ days