Wool wars item idea!

So I was thinking why doesn’t an auto build exist in wool wars. SO my idea is you can get this item (Probably a wool block that’s enchanted) and when you right click it builds either ten blocks straight if you look straight. 10 blocks up but like a stair case if you look up a little bit. And straight up if you look straight up. So say someone was camping at the top and you go to build up to them but they keep knocking you off your bridge. Have one of these bad boys to auto bridge up there and you can fight them. I don’t know if this is too over powered so pls tell me in the comments. -Energizer

This would probably set off the anticheat and players would report it as hacking.
-1 for me

How would the autobridge item trigger anticheat, when the server is building for you?

It’s not really original, as it’s been used for bedwars/eggwars gamemodes to accelerate gameplay.
My favorite is the snowball placing blocks below the projectile to continue on flying out of map, while not building a straight line to walk on.

I’m not 100% sure, but I just feel like something will be set off, due to how outdated the anticheat currently is.

Alright, im sure they have smart enough developers to get around this and also I guess this was a failed idea. Lol

That is incredibly poor reasoning to dislike an idea, Aries.

Personally I think it would be a cool thing to see, as long as the item wasn’t too common. Or, it could be a new kit.

Yes, a kit would make more sense.

I never said I disliked the concept, I just said that I had a feeling people would mistake it for hacking since it would be a new item, or the anticheat might detect something.

People would rather mistake the anvil kit as a hack.

I’ll answer your points then.

  1. Proper testing would be done to make sure the effect worked alongside the anticheat; ours is custom made so it would be quite easy to do this.

  2. We have added kits to KitPvP in the past which are literal cheats (Falcon’s entire kit is based around a cheat), and players thinking it was a hack was not an issue at all really at all.

I get why you may think of these issues, however I assure you they are not a factor that should stop it from being created.

Hopefully this clears things up for ya :+1:

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