
Number of followers- 1,278

Average views per stream- 20-30

How long have you been creating content for munchymc - for about 2-3 months

Servers for which you have created content: hypixel invadedlands and munchyMC

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I feel like I would make quality content and try to support and promote the server as much as I can. Also boost the community and respect.

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Quick tip, don’t lie on your applications. It doesn’t help.

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I’m sorry just can’t afford a rank :frowning:

Wait what do you think I am lying about cause I am lying about the how long I’ve been playing I started playing today but I been watching skeppy for a year and bbh for 4 months I didn’t lie about anything else

we don’t care if you have a rank or not, we care about you lying about your join date.

I understand I am sorry

move to mixer as well :stuck_out_tongue:

@xKamilion Well thanks for exposing him xd. #promotekami!

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Also, your Twitch channel seems to have vanished?