TommyInnit's Media Application

Channel Link:

Number of Subs: 2055

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: I have been creating content for Minecraft Servers since September 2018. Since then I have gained 2000+ Subscribers.

Servers for which you have created content: (a few other random servers, none of them are big though).

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?: I feel like I would make a good candidate as I am good for the community, passionate about making qualtiy videos on the server and working with other members and would love to become a part of the Media Team. I would post a variety of content “trolling” and all sorts upon the server, and overall interacting with the Muncy MC Community in a posotive manner.


Hey Tommy, this is what I think about your media application!

  • I overlooked your channel and your videos get about 300-500 views and some got 1.5k or more which is good!

  • I would suggest posting at least 1 video on munchy and start some content on there.

  • Over all good application and good luck!

You don’t ever play on munchy, and you have no vids on it xd. I would get to know the server before applying for media :confused:


I plan on dependant if I get the Youtube Rank, it’s better if I can receive it first for making content.


You have a nice channel.
I’m giving you Media for 2 weeks. Please upload Munchy content, so we can evaluate it and then talk about extending your rank for a longer time frame.