TNTPUGS's Event Team Application (October 2020)


Age: 13

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)

How often can you host events:
Monday - Friday 8 am - 3 pm
Saturday 3 pm - 8 pm
Sunday 12 am - 5 pm

What sets you apart from other applicants:
I am different from other applicants from my POV is the fact that I am active, I am usually on for 5 hours a day and can use that time to host events and/or help other people who are new to the server. These people are here for fun and should have some guidance. Another thing I think sets me apart from other applicants is that I know how to handle a situation correctly. I can stay calm and comprehend the situation the best I can. I am also helpful to all players that need assistant because of how long I have been playing and the experience I have. I think I can make a change in the community to the point that I will be able to help even staff if they need something.
What can you bring to MunchyMC as an Event Member:
What I think I can bring to MunchyMC is activity. I don’t see many event team members online other than Jqkke, but I think I can be more active than the current event team. I also feel that I can help more people due to the fact that I am more active. Another thing I can bring to munchy is kindness, even though Munchy is the most friendly community I know currently, it is getting toxic a bit by bit. I feel like players should try to stay kind to each other. The most common reason why people are toxic to other is that players are constantly getting killed. They should realize that is the point of the game to have fun. Even though I am inexperienced with the commands I do know a few.

/eventpall send a teleportation request to all online members.
/ekick kicks a player from the event world.
/eban bans a player from the event world.
/broadcast sends a message to all members on the kitpvp server.
/togglepvp Turns PvP on or off in the event world.
/skit create (skitname) allows the user to create a new skit
/skit apply (skitname) (radius) allows the user to apply a skit to users
What do you think your reputation is like within the community?
I think my reputation within the community is friendly, kind, active, and understanding. This is because I always try to see why someone is being toxic before judging them. I have also been helpful in the community. I help out members who are new or who do not know what they are doing. In conclusion, I think my reputation is good within the community.
Why do you want to be on the event team:
I want to be on the event team because I enjoy making people’s day. I want people to have fun instead of having a bad experience on munchy. Players come here to have a good time and I would like to make that experience even better than it currently is. If players are having a bad day I would like to make it better.
Give us one or more examples of an Event Member(s) doing something positive (I.E., Hosting an event when you asked, allowing you to become the slayer in RR, etc.):
Atterax(previous event): Hosted events when asked and did them often.
Jqkke extremely helpful in situations.
Anything else you would like to add:
No, sorry if this was not in good detail.

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Going to redo this since I realized how low in detail this really is

You can always edit your application by selecting the pencil at the bottom!

Also, I’m gonna rate your application!

What else sets you apart from other applicants?

How will you do this? You should elaborate!

Also, it seems like you forgot to answer a question:


What do you think your reputation is like within the community?

I’ll stay neutral this time: +0!

I wish you the best! :+1:

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+0 Hello this app is decent. But there are some minor things that could be changed.

I have seen event team members online around these times, but what is something else you can bring to munchy besides being active since everyone is going for that route. I would love to see more!


@0CRC0 will do thanks for the feedback


you should probably answer this in your edit.

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Thanks realized it after re-reading :+1:

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Hey tntpugs I know you and your a great person and member of the community, but the application could use some more work, everything Vurm said was pretty accurate, you need to add a lot more detail in your application, another thing I would suggest is to where it says would you like to add more, I would put something, you don’t want to short change your self of a good spot for some more info for a better chance. Everything else looks good though, Good Luck


Thanks! I’m working on it I didn’t have much time to edit it yesterday due to class’s

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