This is the guy you give event 2

well done guys you did a good job


Looks like noSlowDown and toggleSneak, one of these is allowed ofc.
But don’t mistake it for 1.14, sure, running is not set to 0 while sneaking, but the speed is still slower than normal walking, so noSlowDown makes him run in normal running speed, besides he would have to unsneak to start running again while sneaking.

The speed at the end is insane, as if he is not even sneaking, but still gets the speed 5 from sneaking.

The sneaking could be a visual glitch


It’s actually neither, it’s just a bug from something that happens in arena and is transferred over to any other world which allows them to show that they’re crouching.

its not that complex lol he’s using a sneak mod on a client and probably reaching in the sumo
you can see he is toggling it and not a visual glitch

The used time stamp shows, that he did not sneak from the very beginning, he was standing and then was sneaking.

hpf has shown many times how to do it, he does it in the other warp and when he joined the event it showed him crouching. Has absolutely nothing to do with either of the 2 points you’ve stated.

Regardless, he is an event member and he should show respect for the rules and not abuse such glitches anyways. I’m not trying to be an ass, but its just morally wrong to knowingly abuse a glitch in the game.

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This happened in October, he’s fixed his mistakes and continues to keep progressing.

literally the same as saying "Oh he bhopped on literally everyone in prison a month ago but now hes chill so its ok "

but hpf should remain event hes chill

The video clip shown was from May and this situation was already dealt with. I’ve actually tried to help the developers implement a fix for this issue but it isn’t quite done yet.