This forum post is wrote using A1Z26. (20-8-9-19 6-15-18-21-13 16-15-19-20 9-19 23-18-15-20-5 21-19-9-14-7 112626)

14-5-22-5-18 7-15-14-14-1 12-5-20 25-15-21 4-15– 4-15 25-15-21 18-5-1-12-12-25 20-8-9-14-11 9’4 4-15 20-8-1-20 20-15 25-15-21? 4-15 25-15-21 18-5-1-12-12-25 2-5-12-9-5-22-5 20-8-1-20 9 23-15-21-12-4 16-21-20 1 18-9-3-11 18-15-12-12 9-14 8-5-18-5, 20-15 5-14-20-9-18-5-12-25 3-1-20-3-8 25-15-21 15-6-6 7-21-1-18-4? 1-20 12-5-1-19-20 9 19-20-15-16-16-5-4 13-25-19-5-12-6 8-1-12-6 23-1-25, 2-21-20 9-20 9-19-14’20 7-15-15-4 20-15 12-5-20 20-8-1-20 7-15 15-14 20-15 12-15-14-7. 19-15-13-5 16-5-15-16-12-5 4-15-14’20 12-9-11-5 7-5-20-20-9-14-7 “18-9-3-11 18-15-12-12-5-4,” 19-15 9 4-9-4 9-20 15-21-20 15-6 3-15-14-19-9-4-5-18-1-20-9-15-14 15-6 20-8-5-13.

1-14-25-23-1-25-19, 8-15-23 1-18-5 25-15-21-18 7-21-25-19 4-1-25-19? 13-9-14-5 23-1-19 1-3-20-21-1-12-12-25 16-18-5-20-20-25 7-15-15-4. 9 23-18-15-20-5 20-8-9-19 15-14 20-8-5 2420-8 15-6 19-5-16-20-5-13-2-5-18, 19-15 9-20 9-19-14’20 3-15-13-16-12-5-20-5-12-25 1-3-3-21-18-1-20-5 20-15 23-8-5-14 20-8-9-19 9-19 1-3-20-21-1-12-12-25 3-15-13-9-14-7 21-16, 2-21-20 20-8-9-19 19-8-15-21-12-4 3-15-13-5 15-21-20 19-15-13-5-20-9-13-5 15-14 20-8-5 2520-8, 19-9-14-3-5 9 19-20-1-25 21-16 16-1-19-20 13-9-4-14-9-7-8-20. 9 1-13 21-19-9-14-7 1 3-1-12-3-21-12-1-20-15-18 6-15-18 20-8-9-19, 19-15 9’4 18-5-3-15-13-13-5-14-4 15-14-5 20-15 4-5-3-15-4-5 20-8-9-19. 1-12-20-8-15-21-7-8 25-15-21 3-1-14’20 18-5-1-12-12-25 18-5-1-4 20-8-9-19 9-6 25-15-21 1-18-5-14’20 16-18-15-6-9-3-9-5-14-20 9-14 18-5-1-4-9-14-7 20-8-9-19 20-25-16-5 15-6 3-25-16-8-5-18, 2-21-20 9 3-1-14-14-15-20 4-15 9-20 13-25-19-5-12-6. 9 3-1-14 23-18-9-20-5 9-14 112626 (20-8-5 3-25-16-8-5-18) 15-14 16-1-16-5-18, 2-21-20 1-13 9-14-3-18-5-4-9-2-12-25 9-14-5-6-6-9-3-9-5-14-20 23-8-5-14 9-20 3-15-13-5-19 20-15 20-25-16-9-14-7. 1-12-19-15, 2-5-6-15-18-5 9 6-15-18-7-5-20, 9 23-1-14-20 16-5-15-16-12-5 20-15 20-18-25 20-15 20-18-1-14-19-12-1-20-5 20-8-9-19 2-25 20-8-5-13-19-5-12-22-5-19. 9-20 9-19-14’20 20-15-15 3-15-13-16-12-9-3-1-20-5-4, 2-21-20 9-20 9-19-14’20 12-9-11-5 19-15-13-5-15-14-5’19 7-15-9-14-7 20-15 14-15-20 2-5 1-2-12-5 20-15 6-9-7-21-18-5 15-21-20 20-8-9-19, 1-14-4 9-20 9-19-14’20 12-9-11-5 7-15-15-7-12-5 20-18-1-14-19-12-1-20-5 23-8-5-18-5 9-20 3-1-14 2-5 3-15-13-16-12-5-20-5-12-25 9-14-1-3-3-21-18-1-20-5 19-15-13-5-20-9-13-5-19. 9’4 1-12-19-15 12-9-11-5 20-15 19-8-1-18-5 20-8-5 23-5-2-19-9-20-5 9 21-19-5-4 6-15-18 20-8-9-19, 9-6 20-8-5 20-18-1-14-19-12-1-20-9-15-14 4-15-5-19-14’20 23-15-18-11 16-18-15-16-5-18-12-25 6-15-18 25-15-21: 8-20-20-16-19://16-12-1-14-5-20-3-1-12-3.3-15-13/4884/.

18-5-7-1-18-4-9-14-7 13-25 4-1-25, 9-20 23-1-19 16-18-5-20-20-25 7-15-15-4. 9 23-15-18-11-5-4 15-14 13-25 2-1-19-5 15-14 19-21-18-22-9-22-1-12, :survival: 1-14-4 9-20 23-1-19 11-9-14-4 15-6 20-5-4-9-15-21-19. 9 1-12-19-15 13-1-4-5 1 1-21-20-15-19-15-18-20-5-18, 1-14-4 9 4-15 14-15-20 18-5-7-18-5-20 9-20 9-14 20-8-5 19-12-9-7-8-20-5-19-20. 14-15-14-5-20-8-5-12-5-19-19, 20-8-9-19 12-15-15-11-19 17-21-9-20-5 12-1-18-7-5 14-15-23, 1-14-4 9 4-15-14’20 23-1-14-20 20-15 19-16-5-14-4 8-15-21-18-19 18-1-14-20-9-14-7. 9 1-13 1-2-15-21-20 20-15 7-15 20-15 19-12-5-5-16 13-25-19-5-12-6, 19-15 9’12-12 5-14-4 20-8-9-19 15-6-6 23-9-20-8 1 14-9-3-5: 7-15-15-4 14-9-7-8-20, 1-14-4 7-15-15-4 4-1-25!


This is just a simple cypher where it turns letters into numbers. As well, the dashes indicate words, while the spaces in between are the spaces between the words. I am only talking about simple topics, regarding my day, and what I did on the server for a bit. I also talked about the cypher I used and the website I used to translate words into A1Z26. Nonetheless, best of luck!







what the




No shut up




It’s cicada 3301 all over again.


a bit stressful and tiring but good I suppose, thanks for asking :D

that sounds awesome, never been much of a survival guy and auto sorters always have scared me, seeing people make it alone makes me tired let alone trying to make one so kudos to you

oh and before I forget

that’s what she said

good night


Is this man gonna write his staff app in morse code?


Added to the list


Mods close this, it’s spam. Thanks.

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If you think this is spam, then please flag this post instead of replying saying that it is spam, @Napkin0fVembz

no i am letting you know its spam so close it before i take it down myself

If it’s spam, then flag it. There’s not really a point to warning me it’s spam, when it isn’t. It’s just a few paragraphs, however they are written with numbers instead of letters, which is called the A1Z26 cypher. Translate it yourself, or search for decoders in your search engine. It’s that easy.

a language I don’t understand? woah, gotta be spam amirite