TheGamerYT12's Apply for Media Rank

Channel link:

Number of subs: 929,311

Average number of views per vid: 55k to 100k

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: I am going to start in a few days just getting things ready.

Servers for which you have created content: On minecraft mp but it has been a long time.
What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? What I feel that would make me a good candidate for media on MunchyMC is I can do live streams their sometimes and I can record daily their and it can make it easier for me cause I can start uploading minecraft videos more daily.


  • -13 years of age, checked out channel doesnt sound like a 13 year old… Possibly not their channel might be wrong also kinda weird your channel name is jfavignano and your mc name is ‘‘Thegameryt12’’
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troll application. I know this youtuber and he shows no intent of playing minecraft. He plays GTA V roleplay and GTA V in general.

Those are some bold claims you are making here @TheGamerYT12
Impersonation is a pretty serious offense, whether on a Minecraft forum or in a more formal environment, keep that in mind.


+1 lots of subs and views :+1:

Do you have proof that this is you?

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sorry i did a troll app please remove

O lawd

Don’t make troll applications, they don’t help anyone.