


It seems that your goal is to balance out all kits, if I’m correct.

However, this thread feels like a “nerf” thread more than a “balance” thread, seeing as there isn’t one “buff” idea on this thread!

Balancing out all the kits would call for nerfs of the strong kits and buffs of the weak kits- but there’s a reason this will most likely never happen/work out:

The “meta” kits are not overpowered because of their enchantments or effects (there are actually some cases in which they are overpowered due to this, but this isn’t quite the case), it’s because of the gist or uniqueness of the kit. For example, Slingshot (which is definitely not alright :sweat_smile:) and Dash are specialized in trapping people from running away. With kits such as Ninja, Falcon, or even their own kind, this fits perfectly into the meta. It’s not so much that their build is overpowered, it’s their ability- which cannot be changed without an entire rework of the kit, which is close to what was seen with Ninja.

In my personal opinion, I think the only way to completely balance out every kit would be to have one HUGE revamp of all the kits, which is risky and could take a lot of time that could be used on other things. Potentially, the players could hate these kits and ask for the old versions of kits, which would lead to them leaving or a complete revert (in which case it was useless)!

While I’m not attempting to condemn everything you said, I am trying to make a point for any other rework threads from here on out. I do like some of your ideas, and I could tell a lot of work was put into them!

Also, Groundhog is the best kit!


I have to agree with Dishrespect on this one. Also, Groundhog is a good kit, you just have to know how to use it :stuck_out_tongue:

Now we just need a knockback stick for the falcon!


You are actually insane. No I am kidding, but I totally disagree with most if not all of these changes.

To save time and space, if you are wondering why, pm me in general chat and maybe we can get into a call and discuss this, because oh boy is there a lot to say.

I would like to first say this: I think you really like leather, and I am starting to despise seeing so many leather kits. Please don’t make this a leather meta.

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Can you say everything you dislike about his post here, even if it is a lot? I would like to see what you have to think.

Sure thing; honestly I just did not want to do a whole lot of typing at the time Let’s go through the run down:

Actually before we do the run down, it would be nice to know @Sadneo are you trying to take a slower approach to the meta? I see that you do not want armor to break as well as swords (thank the Gods for the swords), but what is your overall idea on how the meta should be laid out? I noticed you severely dropped down a lot of the sword damage on kits, and it confuses me. I also see a lot of leather (I already said my peace so I will move on from that bit)

Okay so let’s go down each kit to talk about it:

Abomination: So do you remember what abomination used to be like before it got the dramatic change (apart from that crazy ass strength II buff, but let’s not talk about that)? The kit had an active ability to blind targets with a 30 second cooldown and an iron sword sharpness I. It also did not remove the helmet from the kit it was attacking, so it was way less aggressive than it is now. This idea you are suggesting further nerfs the armor to make it so squishy, it probably couldn’t take 3 hits from a sharpness I diamond sword. I don’t know what you planned for the sword, but without strength I would feel hopeless in the kit

Archer: Archer’s problem is not the fact that it has infinity on the bow, the problem to why archer is very powerful right now is because the arrows have punch, allowing the archer to just deal damage to many kits and they don’t take damage back unless they miss. Plus archer is supposed to rely heavily on the bow, not the sword. Limiting them to the amount of arrows that low is probably not the best approach. Keep it power III, remove the punch, and give the iron sword knockback 1 or 2. That way, they cannot simply just shoot to win and might have to use combos with their sword in order to get the value from their bow. Also from what you suggested with swords being unbreakable, unbreaking III is unnecessary.

Bomberman: this is weaker before bomberman originally came out. When bomberman first came out (similar to echo’s case) people played it because it was new. After that, it saw no play because everybody saw how garbage it was, especially the tnt throw. This is far weaker because it loses the strength I, the added sharpness, and the extra protection it needs to stay alive. Huge whammy if this kit lost all of that.

Crossbow: please leave it alone. Archer and elementalist are far worse threats than crossbow. :frowning_face:

Dash: Can somewhat agree on this, but I think right now dash is fine where it is, considering kits like hornet and slingshot are here.

Dragon: lololololololol this is worse than what abomination is before it got buffed! Please don’t kill this either. I would say reduce the damage the fireball does, and that’s about it. Removing strength I, reducing the aura, AND reducing the armor is the way to absolutely rape the kit out of existence, very similar to groundhog’s case.

Dwarf: y so much leather. You are going to blind everyone with all this leather into oblivion, please let there be iron and diamond armor. I hate seeing so much leather. Just please stop. Please? Also wahts a Drawf?

Echo: Do you remember what Echo does? Nor do I. It see’s little play except from that one person in the back of the crowd whimpering It can be good in SOME cases…

Elementalist: This kit needs a nerf on the wind, perhaps a punishment for missing with the wind bow, and a damage reduction when dealing damage with the ice bow. Also when is EARTH bow coming back? @BadBoyHalo Hello???

Falcon: It’s a fun kit, like Shrek and doesn’t serve too much purpose except to keep people on their toes and to give vulnerability to weak resistance kits. I don’t see a need to butcher this bird any worse than what happens when it gets grounded by a slingshot.

Fish: Here’s a solution to the fish problem: just don’t goto the water. You know the south side on most maps lacks a lot of water, you might be safe there o;

Fisherman: Please no leather PLEASE. One thing I would like to note is a potential nerf/buff that I would like to suggest for fisherman. Give the rod in its inventory unbreaking II, however fisherman cannot use the command /rod to get another. Gives their rod unique properties, without making it too op.

Glider: Again please stop with the leather, there’s enough here to drive Stonewall Jackson to insanity (Oh wait…)

Groundhog: removing the kit does not solve the issue, and will get people angry wanting refunds for their tokens spent on this lame excuse for a kit. Instead, just fix the problem.

Jester: its supposed to be annoying lol. This is what a jester does.

Ninja: Taking away all their resistance did not work, and it still will not work even with this proposed idea.

PvP. No. NO LEATHER ON THIS KIT. Make the sword sharpness II and then I can agree with this.

Rider: Does not need speed I. It is fine where it stands right now.

Screecher. Nerfing the armor and the ability is a great way to butcher a kit, just like abomination’s case.

Shrek: Leather is ridiculous, Shrek needs that iron armor.

Snail: needs to be blue leather so that it can be unique to all other kits. Also I disagree on the too much protection. Snail needs something to stand out between the rival viper.

Snowgolem: I think I’ve said my peace on leather enough now.

Summoner: This is the point when I decided to say you are insane in my first response. For one, lime leather for this kit? Oh lordy. ll l l l l l l l leather. Strength II is too op for this kit, because then you would see so many summoners in the meta. There is a reason a kit like abomination got nerfed from the strength II (and I am still pressing for a TITAN REVAMP).

Tank: You simply cannot take away the diamond armor that tank deserves. It is inhuman of you. Give it back

Thor: again with the leather… smh and why blue leather??? Don’t be dissing my Gods now. :angry:

Titan: I want a titan revamp so badly…

Vampire: This is definitely not an alright kit. It’s been a dead kit ever since the week after season 2 was announced.

Viper: see snail for the red leather dispute. Also change the sword to sharp II iron instead of sharp I strength I iron and I could see this working, also keep the armor as it was before.

Hornet: Something I can finally agree with you on, maybe also something with falling damage thing.

There ya go o/

Edit: I love how I went from being overly detailed on the first 3 kits, then went to just basic sentences for the rest. Gotta love that consistency yo.

i think all kits need a serious revamp so that theres more emphasis on actual pvp skill compared to just using some stupid ability. the pvp kit, the very foundation of this gamemode on munchy, is terrible when fighting any archer or mobile kit. this practically eliminates its use against about a third or more of the kits (anything with speed, a bow, or an ability to fly away).
kits should not determine who wins in a fight, they should give small advantages.

how about revamp the pvp kit since classic is never coming back.
give the pvp kit specific commands that take a few minutes if anything to add
/sharp, /speed, /prot, /knockback, /pearl, /bow, /diamond, and maybe even /diamond axe as a throwback.
add back worth for this kit specifically if its using these commands, give incentive for people to use it.

also im unsure why you said they cant remove groundhog, they removed vampire for probably a year.

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Because they were “thinking” of a revamp for vampire they had intentions of bringing it back.

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I honestly think Titan needs a limit on how much strength it could achieve…

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