The light is running low

Hi people. I hope you are all well and have a great time. I don’t want this post to be too long or too short. I also don’t want to keep everything to myself because it only hurts me even more, but I’ll try not to just talk too much.

I wasn’t doing well recently, either in my life with the stress of studying or on Munchy with some things I don’t like. This is my last year I at school and with the pressure on me, I’m struggling to sleep these days and I just can’t live quietly anymore because of other bad thoughts that resurface from my experience on Munchy. That doesn’t mean I leave the server, I enjoy it so much and I love you all. I just need to take a step back and, who knows, maybe I’ll leave and you’ll totally forget about me.

Right now, I’m just exhausted, sad to know that I won’t achieve any of my goals either Irl or on the server. I’m just devastated by the fact that when the world goes one way, I turn to the other. I can’t sleep without thinking about all this so I prefer to step back. I prefer to disappear, it will do more good than harm.

I am basically depressed and every time I try to get out of this mood, life just makes it harder for me. I often try to spread my words out in the form of small quotes and even if they go unnoticed, they are pretty valuable to me and I would like to share two with you. One’s gonna be in french and the other one, my most recent text, is gonna be in English.

« Hélas, l’engouement que je porte au sein de cet environnement qui m’attire, les efforts que j’entreprends dans l’optique d’unir cette si paisible communauté, de converser et de me sentir comme celle qui pourrait refléter un peu de fraîcheur et de convivialité, ces notions n’auront aucune signification, aussi insignifiantes qu’elles soient, envers les critères qui auraient été préalablement définis. J’appris à m’abstenir de tout commentaire, je su comment m’améliorer et arriver à un stade où ma maturité me permettrait de combler mes erreurs du passé. J’appris à me tourner sur ceux qui ont le pouvoir pour agir plutôt que de me prendre pour une pilier. Depuis cet échec, je me suis reconstruise pour devenir plus que j’étais autrefois, sauf que les standards qu’ils attendent me bloqueront totalement. J’aurais beau être parfaite, la meilleure dans n’importe quel domaine, je prends conscience que dès lors qu’une personne ne veut pas de toi, quand bien même que tu sois un être surnaturel, tu ne satisferas jamais ses attentes. Je suis ouverte quand ceux qui atteignent l’acceptation se renferment petit à petit, je cajole et discute pendant que ceux là forment leur bloc sans pour autant s’encrer davantage sur leur communauté. Mais qui suis-je pour me plaindre? Personne. Je fais sûrement fausse route, quelque chose de travers. Je travaille sans cesse pour me forger, peut être en vain… La peine m’anime certes mais je ne veux perde espoir car c’est cette dernière qui fait vivre. J’espèrerais pouvoir un jour admirer cette douce lueur de réussite, s’amenuisant ou non, ce doux parfum de fierté qui rassasiera mon anxiété. »

« The flame has been extinguished, only ashes remain… Who to turn it back on? I think it would be wise to leave it in its lamentable end. It couldn’t shine, it couldn’t just illuminate even a sober shelf. Today, she wants to ravage everything in her path. The regret, the bitter taste of resignation that I feel at this moment takes my breath away. Would I like to suffer this same story? Probably not. Would I seek confrontation? Probably not. I’ll just watch her success sparkle as I collect the piles of dust that accumulate on the ground. The candle is no more. You have to throw it away, get rid of it, it no longer has any use. Its shattered hopes will be nothing more than his grave that will engulf it in a bigger depression. »

And that’s pretty much it, I’m supposed to be sleeping but here I am making this post. I really hope it won’t get deleted just because of that big french text that people could translate if they wish to or just because of the theme of this whole messy essay but everything is fine…

Again, here’s my discord because I’m no longer in the Munchy Discord: Stella_#2004
I really hope that I’ll be able to have some casual conversation with all of you, if people even want to speak to me after this. And here I go. Good night people.


:( candle we’ll really really miss you, you’re one of the best people i know on munchy and we won’t forget you, if you ever want to talk you have my discord :heart:

u can always come back and take ur spot


Candle, we missed you alot when you left and we will miss you even more now. Munchy Survival will miss your name and we will all remember you. I wish you the best in everything for you in the future :frowning:


Candle, I really do hope that you won’t always be in this state of sadness. I also want you to know that you will never be forgotten in this community.


I wasn’t originally going to reply to this post, but I definitely should because you deserve it.

Candle, you are an amazing person, friend and community member. you’ve been considerate to others even when they haven’t been considerate to you, and I feel as though we all believe you’re one of the most valued community members on munchy. Please stay kind, and stay hopeful, you’ve still a got a community with you weather you are or are not here.

I’d like to end with some song lyrics from deltarune, one of my favourite games that has some hidden messages I feel you could use.

When the light is running low
And the shadows start to grow
And the places that you know
Seem like fantasy
There’s a light inside your soul
That’s still shining in the cold
With the truth
The promise in our hearts
Don’t forget
I’m with you in the dark

Stay strong


Qui es-tu pour te plaindre ? Stella. Stella que j’apprécie tant, Stella qui me met les larmes aux yeux à chaque fois que je lis tes mots, parce que tu es comme ça, parce que tu es comme moi, quelqu’un qui veut juste le bonheur des autres. L’année dernière a été l’année la plus difficile de ma vie. J’étais dans la même situation que toi, en Terminale, passant le bac. J’ai eu des problèmes familiaux pendant le confinement, et en conséquence je n’ai pas pu entrer dans les universités de mon choix. Tandis que tous mes camarades de classe fêtaient la fin des cours, j’ai fini mon année seule, et plus que tout malheureuse, car je n’avais en tête que le regret de m’avoir laissée harceler pendant toutes ces années d’étude. Je ne dormais pas, je ne mangeais pas, je ne vivais pas. Et puis je suis allée en prépa, et puis c’était la même horreur. Mais en cours de route, j’ai connu Munchy. Et malgré tous les préjugés de la vie quotidienne sur les réseaux sociaux et les jeux vidéos, je me suis faite des amis incroyables, amis dont tu fais partie. J’ai trouvé de la lumière dans la flamme de ta bougie, une lueur première dans l’obscurité de la vraie vie. Tu es incroyable bougie, quelqu’un de véritablement exceptionnel, crois-moi. Et je sais qu’il n’est pas facile de faire confiance à quelqu’un, surtout quelqu’un que tu ne connais que depuis si peu de temps, mais je serai là pour toi. Plains-toi, énerve-toi, quoi qu’il arrive, je serai là pour toi. Et si les larmes qui coulent sur tes joues éteignent le feu de ta bougie, j’utiliserai ma flamme pour rallumer la tienne.

Si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit, envoie moi un message, et je le lirai dès que possible, peu importe le contenu, peu importe l’heure. Je veux juste que t’ailles mieux.

Forgive me for the long comment in french, there are times english fails to communicate feelings, and this is one of those times. A friend needs support, someone I care about a lot, so please do not complain about the amount of french in the forums post or in the comment section. Thank you for your understanding, and if you wish to comprehend, consider using an online translator.


I don’t know you personally, but I know that you are a very loved person on Munchy.

Please whatever you choose to do, let it be what you feel is the healthiest for you! All I want is the best for you, and it hurts to know you are feeling depressed. Life is tough, and while I don’t know exactly what might be happening in your personal life, I DO know that it will get better. I believe in that with my whole heart.

The title of this post is called “The light is running low.” That may be because of the quote you included and/or because it’s the way you feel. Either way, the light may seem low, but it’s not gone. It’s glimmering right there deep inside you. Waiting for healing to then become an astounding light.

I am writing all of this because I myself have just recently pulled myself out of exhaustion, depression, anxiety, stress, etc. I believed my situation was impossible to escape, and honestly still struggle with things from the past. I’m not here to vent about what I went through or am going through, but I do want to let you know, that it is temporary. YOU WILL WIN against the negative if you fight back.

I wish that this brings you hope, because it came straight from my heart, Candle. I just recently posted THIS, and I have a feeling you were the one this message was created for. I would love to talk with you in private if you ever feel the need to do so. :heart:


Stella, you wonderfully great person. Though times may be hard and the skies might seem dark, the silver lines behind the clouds shines bright. You are very greatly appreciated Stella, and very very loved. You’ve done well, for yourself and others. When the chance comes, give yourself a break, rest a little alright? It’s alright to do so. After all, what if it all works out?

And who cares if the world only believes in turning in a certain way? If you turn the other way, so will I. If it means that I can reassure you that you’re not alone, I’ll take the chance to make sure my friends are fine.

Like a candle, I believe you’ll find the ember that shall let you blaze anew. But until then, just like Vii has, I’ll share my heat to keep you warm and bright.


Hey candle, we’ve never actually talked in game nor in discord except here. And from what I’ve seen if you you’ve been nice, funny, friendly and helpful and I hope you feel better soon candle :(


Christmas candle :( You are an amazing person and I have missed you loads already and I still will. I hope you’ll get better soon. One thing is for sure, I will never forget you and you’ll always have your spot as Shop 35’s best shop assistant (sorry tilly but it’s true) :orange_heart:


Candle, you’re literally such amazing friend and person, you were always so kind, friendly, funny, basically the amazing person you have been since I met you 2 years ago. We will always be here for you, good luck with everything, I’m sure you’ll be fine and that things will get better for you :heart:.


ik we haven’t talked a lot but everytime I did I felt very welcomed and u were always a great and shining member in the community.

We will miss u so much :(
hope u feel better soon and things get better and u achieve your goals in the future

Keep the light shining!


I will miss you so much bestie :two_hearts: