Survival Moderated?

Hey, I’m a very active member on the survival server and have been curious for a while as to why there’s a lack of moderators? While I don’t blame anyone and the server is usually pretty tame, it’s a lot harder to message moderators to help with people who may grief, or write inappropriate comments. Now while this isn’t necessarily a major issue or topic to bring up, I do believe it may add to the players positive experience on the server. I genuinely love the server and interacting with the survival community is great, I just wanted to check to see if there was more moderators to aid in these positive interactions or influencing.

Edit - I’ll be back in the morning NZDT to reply or read any other players thoughts. Thank you!


I believe a few moderators have the role “Survival mod”.
Here are some of the names I can come up with right away:

LiamTBN, TheRedVelvetCake, Kalendor, BFI01, CatTech and Siberite
Besides these guys I believe Antfrost (admin) also moderate survival :slight_smile:

I do not know how often they come on to survival since the majority of MunchyMC’s player base play kitpvp and therefore the kitpvp server requires more attention…

If you ever find yourself in need of assistance feel free to go to the kitpvp server and ask for help there! The chance of a finding a helper / staff member on the kitpvp server is significantly higher than the survival server :wink:


I can confidently say that there is a lack of moderation on survival, mainly given its minimal player counts in contrast to kitpvp, which takes up the vast majority of the server population, and thus requires more moderation. Personally I’ve been hopping on survival every now and then but only for a little bit just to see what’s going on. But I agree that we can do better in making ourselves known.

When you witness a player breaking rules, you can /report to alert all staff on the server, not just Survival, to get the assistance you need. You can also record or screenshot evidence of rule-breakers and post it here on the forums where it will be dealt with.

Thanks for raising the concern :smile_cat:


Thank you both for the reply. I appreciate the information and will look more into it when I’m on the server :blush:


I’ve seen a moderator by the name of TheRedVelvetCake online with minimal players on survival, its safe to say Survival is moderated from time to time, just not as often as staffs moderate on KitPVP.