Survival Mall Changes!

Important Notice

All shops can now be rented for a maximum of TWO WEEKS at a time.
The price has also been changed to 100g per week.

If you currently have a mall shop with a rent longer than two weeks it has been reduced to 2 weeks and the extra gold refunded to you .

You will get a message on login if your shop has less than three days rent remaining.
Shop owners can now check their own rent times by clicking the sign
You can also unrent your shops using /mall remove , and direct tp to any shop using /shoptp [shopnumber]

Please let a mod know if you experience any problems with this

Other changes (can be seen using /cl in game):

~ Spring Crates added to the server!
~ Regular Crates adjusted with more loot!
~ Extra keys with Regular Crate purchases!
~ Winter Crate Keys will be removed from the store in two weeks

~ World border expanded to 15k
~ Vine Staff no longer placeable (yw @LucidDaisy ;) )
~ No more pings from chats you cant see


first owo


Sounds good :D

youre telling me i paid for my shop to stay for 3 and a half goddamn years and now its been reduced to two weeks e-e

bruh I wont be able to afford one from now on xD

Oml yes ty XD

Thank YOU for the mall updates! I agree that 20g for 2 weeks is ridiculously cheap, I like the new price, also I love that someone can’t spam click a shop to rent it out for 10 years. Glad that inactive players that rented it for like 10 years are still able to lose their shop.

Overall, love the new mall update, thanks for that!


the amount of shops which are gonna be open in two weeks e-e

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Nice! Thank you for the updates, Ibby!

Yay ! :tada:

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This update makes me cry tears of joy.

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Well done!

this steals shops from people who cant get on for one reason or another. i do believe inactive players should have their shops removed but those who get on more often shouldn’t have their shops stolen from under them. i had shop 5 rented for over a year and the mall shops were always first come first serve. if you could afford it it made it better to rent it for a long time as then you dont have to keep watching and worrying that you may miss the second your shop is up. please people realize that this screws the shop owners like me who have limited data.

You already have to watch the stock of your shops, why not get an extra step every 2 weeks?
Also it’s been 15 days, did you lose your shop?

Yes, so make you to log in before it runs out !

You are able to extend your shop rent for another week once it drops below seven days, so you don’t have to be online at the exact time it runs out.