Survival Interviews 25 - MaxTheNerd04

Survival Interviews!

If you want to be interviewed or you have a suggestion for who I should interview message me here on the forums or on discord Mysan#0152

MaxTheNerd04 joined munchy on march 20th 2020. They are very nice and talkative in chat and they own shop 33 and their alt owns shop 42. You can sometimes see them streaming on survival. They have also posted some awesome art in the munchy discord.

Question 1! If you could change anything about the server what would you change?
If I could change anything about the server, I think I would add an end and nether that you are able to build and claim in (Like the Underworld from season 2)

Question 2! What is your favorite thing about this survival server overall?
Honestly, there’s so many things about the server I love that its hard to pick a favorite…But I think the best thing is probably how nice a huge majority of the server is so nice and helpful to anybody, and great at making members feel welcome.

Question 3! What is your least favorite thing about this survival server overall?
My least favorite thing…honestly that’s another tough question…I guess it would have to be the fact that people grief and try to kill other players (besides pvp) cause that really ruins part of the fun of the server.

Question 4! Which head from the mini crates is your favorite?
Hmm…I have 3 favorite heads actually; the burger, the waffles with syrup, and the kiwi head (KIWI CLAN ON TOP!)

Question 5! If you could bring back a crate item from map 2 which one would you bring back?
Honestly I would probably bring back efficiency 6. Though I agree that it was very op, it was SO helpful with breaking map art…

Extra Question 1! What is your favorite thing about streaming?
My favorite thing about streaming is probably the fact that I get to meet and talk to new people, whether its just in my stream chat or a new friend I make. I really enjoy it when my chat interacts with me and I can have a conversation with them.

Extra Question 2! Why did you pick the name MaxTheNerd04?
Well…long story short, my name is Max, I have been called a nerd a lot, and I was born in 2004.

Thanks a lot to @MaxTheNerd04 for letting me interview them! :slight_smile: :heart:


<33 Thank you for interviewing me!


Yay max! \o/ nice interview mysan! :D


GG MAX owo


pog interview


lets go max


MaxTheCutie04 when please :heart:


#UnderworldRights :pensive::fist:


my interview when?


may consider for alt name!!