Survival Ideas 💭 (Updating Frequently!)

Here are a few suggestions that I have been talking about lately in TeamSpeak and thought about!
(This post edits whenever I come up with a new idea! Won’t be making new posts)

Wither Event

I have heard a lot of people complaining about /fly whenever the Wither event starts because the people who use it have a very high chance to get it compared to the others without /fly. So here are some solutions to fix the problem:

  • Make a custom built arena, the arena theme could be “up in the clouds”. Some kind of paradise theme, or since the 1.16 update is coming soon, maybe do a nether themed arena with the new blocks and everything! And then whenever the wither spawns you do /warp wither to get there and /fly and /carpet is disabled. It has a 10 - 30 second countdown whenever it spawns so people can get ready for it, and only people in the wither world can see the countdown. And the map should be about 5x5 or 4x4 chunks big so people can move around. And whenever it dies or despawns then there is a countdown for about 5 minutes, and when that goes out you can’t do /warp wither anymore and if you are still in the arena. You get sent back to the spawn. Also would be good with a countdown until it spawns in the wither world. And this could also make bows more useful. (I’d recommend this one the most)

  • (More simple but less effective) Whenever the wither spawns in the mining world /fly and /carpet are disabled for the time it’s still alive. (Wouldn’t recommend because of people using /fly in the mining world so there could be a lot of accidents happening, even if you would add a countdown until it spawns there can still be accidents due to afk’s.)


/Event for legends

  • To add some more stuff for Legend ranks in survival, add a command called “/event” and then you get a list of what you can chose for what kind of events you can start up, like some of the popular minigames like, spleef for example. and then there can be much more, I mean, if you take a look at other servers there are many different types of minigames and events. you could also add like elytra flying events. and it’s just a race with elytras and if you touched blocks you take like 4 hearts, so basically 3 hits and you are out. and then so you wouldn’t spam out events all the time maybe add a limit to make a new event. maybe like 1 time every each month because there are a lot of players with legend rank in survival and you don’t wanna make it too spammy so even it out a little. Maybe to make it a little more modern like, when you do /events you get teleported to a small world of small replicas of events and if you walk into the gate for the replicas you start up an event that says in chat “(User) has started a (event name) event! do /warp event to tp to it!” and then there should always be a countdown so people has time to recognize it and join from like 30 seconds. and then the winners will be from 1st to 3rd obviously and the first place gets like 5 “event crate keys” and then 2sc place gets “3 event keys” and then the third place gets 1 event crate key. And then the crates shouldn’t have too op chances but at least decently higher than the vote crates if they will be added. And just 1 event can be started at a time and then there is a cooldown until someone else can do a event for like 1 day or something. but just make sure so it doesn’t spam out the events because there could be a lot of legend rankers coming to events. And also, whoever crates the event will be just spectating and the people who dies gets to spectate or the people who didn’t join can do /event spectate or /event spectate (playername).

There can be many other prices or prices for new items that might be coming up later. and this suggestion is still being worked on, It’s just an image of what I have in mind.



  • /bottlexp (amount) the amount is equal to how many levels, would be very useful to people that would need a specific amount of xp.

  • Some command to give over claim blocks to someone. Example /cb pay (amount) (name)

  • More /marry commands for example /marry hug which would hug your spouse. And /marry give or /marry gifthand something like that to give whatever you are holding in your hand.

  • I also think that /showitem in survival would also be a good idea because a lot of players in prison use it to show off or show what a specific item does. And a lot of players in survival also show off items and would also be a good thing to be able to show what an item does for people wanting to help others. And that prevents people from doing /auction to show off an item which could get annoying at some points.

  • A /market to be able to sell your stuff quickly using /market sell (price) and /market to open the market. Although adding a limit of how many items you can put on sale at the same time. Would recommend 10 or 15. (Helped by @FlareSox)

  • (Maybe) + and ++ crates that you get every 24 hours. But nothing too good in the crates of course. Maybe make some low tier custom items, building materials etc.
    Something like, + and ++ pickaxe/sword etc.

  • Claim expire: Whenever a player hasn’t been online for a limit of time I think that the claim should be expired and deleted automatically. But, some restrictions to when a claim can be removed. for example: if there are privated chests, doors, or something else to make it seem like the claim owner isn’t using it or it’s just there and almost no blocks or anything. Just some type of expiring system. Otherwise something with “you can’t claim unless you have placed a total amount of blocks”. But not too many blocks, just like 50+ blocks or less than that so there are no useless claims in the way of peoples large and good builds. (This is just something I was thinking about and might renew the idea, but so far I got this).

  • XP bottles show the amount of levels as well instead of just showing the XP amount. I know that it is like that on Prison but would be very handy for Survival as well.

  • /carpet idea: When crouching you go down faster with /carpet instead of waiting for so long.
    Bug: When you use /carpet you can’t for some reason eat food, doesn’t work in 1.14.4, will test other versions later.

  • I have seen that sometimes people don’t know how to get to the mining world or where the wither spawns so maybe add something to the message for example: “Do /warp portalroom to get to the mining world!”.

  • Vote crates, whenever you vote you get a vote key and they should not be too op, but have some of the standard items like Claim blocks and Gold. And then some other non-custom items so nothing is too op but you could have a very, very low percentage for a good item from some of the custom items.

  • Custom item - Parachute: Instead of it giving you slow falling II, and it is active for a very long period of time whenever you jump. What if it could only active whenever you crouch with it and give you Slow falling II for the time you are crouching and deactivates when you release the crouch button.

  • A command to lock your item like /lockitem to lock it so you can’t drop them accidentally and to rewind it do /lockitem again.

  • Make it so you can’t break custom enchanted items. It can go down in durability but when it’s on 0 it shouldn’t break but you shouldn’t be able to mine with it until you repair it. Don’t know if it is like that already but if not, then I would recommend doing this because when you mine you don’t pay so much attention to your durability on your items at most times.

  • A command to check whenever the Autoclear will start counting down. Would be pretty useful for some situations. (Example: /autoclear)

  • A command similar to /tptoggle but it will tptoggle for everyone including normal ranks and + ranks. example: /tptoggleall

  • Custom item - An item that turns blocks into it’s 2sc, 3rd etc, form. If you hit a block, for example dirt, it turns into grass, if you hit grass it turns back into dirt, stone to cobblestone, cobble to stone. etc. Would be a lowtier item but it’s something to add for custom items and could be useful at some different situations, especially for dirt.

  • Command for making a /tptoggle for a specific person, example: /tptoggle (playername)
    -Highly recommended because people don’t use it much since it tptoggles for every ++ member-

  • A command to exchange your gold into claim blocks. something like: /exchange (amount of gold) (amount of claimblocks)

  • /warptotem = Opens up a warp totem menu wherever you are so you dont need to do /spawn to get to the totem. Can also do /warp totem which warps you to the totem.

  • /party tptoggle = a tptoggle for only the member in the party.

  • /party hide = Hides the partychat.

  • /party promote (user) = Promotes the player to an “officer” that can kick people etc.

  • /party mute (user) = Mute a player in your party for a specific amount of time, if you are a leader/officer (officer if added)

  • /party announce = Announces something in a party, kind of like a broadcast. (1h cooldown, and only for leader and if added officer.)

  • Being able to buy /homes on the store would be really good and nice. Think there should be a limit to how many you can buy though so you dont have like 100 homes or something.

  • Custom Item - Magnet: An item (example, hopper) that lets you right click it to activate it and then you can pick up blocks from a larger radius, example: 8 block radius.


Special Thanks to @Braadley For a couple of these ideas and re-creating them! :yellow_heart:

(Note: This post will be updated when I come up with brand new ideas or remember the ones that I have said before. Also I do know that some of these have been talked about a lot and might be out yet for the panel, and one of them are from my own suggestion a while ago, but decided to remake it a little bit.).


Most of these we’ve been discussing and I love them all. +1 :)


I think that all of these ideas are really awesome!!

A lot of people have been concerned about the wither event recently and many people have suggested ways of making it fairer, especially for non-ranked players. I really think that the first solution is amazing and would make the wither event much more fun for everyone if it was implemented (sorry Cal and Rim!! :p). The second solution is also a very constructive idea! :D

All of those commands sound very fun and useful. Having also spent some time on prison recently, I love the idea of /showitem, so that people wouldn’t feel the need to use the auction to show joke-named items. It would also be very useful for people looking to do private deals, as less people would flood the chat with ‘looking to sell…’ messages.

I have also loved discussing these ideas with you guys recently (although I didn’t come up with them myself) and I am looking forward to seeing how surv develops overtime!! :purple_heart:


Some sort of Survival blackmarket equivalent would be awesome. (Prison /bm)



Lets not turn survival into prison. I mean a show item son and would be cool but no black market. Cmon

I agree we should be cautious when taking ideas directly from other game modes. I agree that survival doesn’t need a ‘black market’ feature. On prison it’s necessary to prevent scamming, whereas on survival that is very rarely an issue. Since players can also rent and build their own shops, I don’t think blackmarket would be something that surv desperately needs at the moment. :D

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Thought I would explain my reasoning for having a Survival version of /bm… maybe /market

So, first of all, it would be a lot easier to sell things, instead of constantly auctioning them.

Example from the seller’s POV: You just bought 10 winter crate keys, and got a CandyCane Pickaxe! You, however, already happen to have one. So, you want to sell your newly aquired pickaxe, but everyone online either has one or is too poor to buy one. So, you, instead of spamming the auction house or asking every 3 minutes if anyone wants one, you do /market {price} and 6 hours later, you see your balance is up 5,500 gold! Awesome!

Example from a buyer’s POV: You have been mining for gold a lot, and you have just hit the milestone of 6000 gold! But, you are annoyed how you are constantly breaking or heavily damaging your pickaxe. You either have to constantly ask for /repairs or get levels and use like 20 levels to repair your pickaxe every time. With this frustration building up, you ask around, and a very helpful helper recommends the CandyCane Pickaxe. You ask around for DAYS, with no success, and eventually you check /market. Lo and behold, a seller that had no luck selling their own Pickaxe in auction had posted their pickaxe onto the Market, and you quickly buy it. :slight_smile:

Just a reason it would be helpful @toccataski @NeonAtom

No need to be like “cmon” to my ideas NeonAtom, its just a suggestion.


Hehe actually now you’ve worded it like that it sounds really good. XD

It would definitely have a different function on surv than it does on prison and I think there could be a lot of room for adapting it to be survival-specific, but yeah that concept is actually pretty cool. Especially since if you have an item such as a candy cane, which you only tend to have one of at a time, you won’t want to make a sign in your shop just for that one item, and so it will be useful to have the option to do that instead of spamming the chat.

Here is me kind of exploring how I could imagine a feature such as this working on survival~

Some things off the top of my head which could differentiate it from the prison bm

  • Calling it /market as you suggested sounds good!
  • It should say who the item was put up for sale by (on prison you can only see who originally found the item).
  • It should tell the person who put it up for sale who bought the item (it doesn’t on prison).
  • It should come up in chat when someone puts an item up for sale.
  • There should be a limit of 3-5 items on auction per player at a given time (on prison this is 10 I believe), to prevent people spamming useless items on there etc.
  • Each item should only remain on the market for perhaps 12 hours, to prevent things nobody wants from clogging them up.

I feel that this would create a more survival-esque market, rather than a blackmarket. :D

Things I would keep the same from prison

I like the idea of the market being organised with the more valuable items on the first page, as it is on prison, and I also like the /bm claim feature, where unsold items can be claimed from a separate menu - in this case it could be opened with /market claim.

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Oh yeah! Thought about that earlier. It sounds good because then I would gladly have it recommended that you should at least have a limit to how much you can put into the “market” so it doesn’t overflow and so people don’t use it like a own shop at /warp mall


Didn’t think about that, but thats a really good idea :D

You can add it to the original post if you want

Yeah, that would help a lot :D

I don’t think it’s even possible to sell a CandyCane pick in a shop sign

Yeah. Black-market, wouldn’t fit the theme of Survival, something like /market would be better

and I like all the other bullet points you put (:


Thank you, will do that!

Ok another idea.

Claim Officers. Just like clan officers, claim officers have the permissions to change some things in the claim, like add members and remove members. This would be useful as the owner of the rank wouldn’t have to come on every time, or remove their claim and let someone else re-claim it to allow other people to have perms if you want to transfer claims to someone.

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This has been talked about a lot of times as what I’ve heard. From ts and in the server itself. People has been saying things like /claim promotemember (name) etc. Might add it because it’s a pretty old idea so I forgot it myself xD :yellow_heart: @FlareSox


Idea #3: Claim block challenges. Maybe more ways to get claim blocks other than afking and voting… idk.


Thats a good idea

I mean, about voting. I was thinking of vote crates. might add that. but I could already guess it has been talked about already since I have talked about a lot in teamspeak recently.
Sorry for the late response wasn’t at home at the time and got sick and still am :stuck_out_tongue:


New suggestion added! /Event for legends. This suggestion is still being worked on and is just right now an image of what I have in mind. More information will be added later!

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Love the idea, but it could get overused alot and people will lose interest, so there would have to be a significant cooldown on it :eyes:


Why dont people lose interest from the KitPvP events?


Kitpvp is leagues different from survival, when you’ve been pvp’ing for some time, taking part in an event is a nice break, and brings something new to the server so people don’t get bored. When we have events in survival they need to be spaced out so they mean something, and if you’ve noticed, huge amounts of people come to and enjoy the survival events due to that. If we had events happening every now and then, it would get a little boring overtime, especially since there would be little reward from it (Gold, ranks, etc.) That we see in staff hosted events.