| Staff Application #2 <> ZeePog |

PREREQUISITE CHECKLIST: (answer the following)

- Have you been a regular player on MunchyMC for at least one month?:
Yes, I’ve been on for almost a year

- Are you able to record and upload good quality videos of hackers?:
Yes, I use GeForce Experience, but mostly OBS.

- Are you able to download and use TeamSpeak 3?:
Yes definitely


IGN: ZeePog

Age: 13

Timezone: CEST

Server(s) you would like to moderate: Any server, but mostly Survival. I spend most of my time there.


How active can you be per week?
Per each day I can be active:
Weekdays: 4 - 8 hours
Weekends: x - 15 hours
Holidays: x - 15 hours (If not I am on vacation)
Sundays: 4 - 8 hours


Do you have any past moderating experience? If so, briefly describe it:
Yes, I am currently an Admin on a server, and I am still currently working there on stuff that has to be fixed, and so on building maps there.
I know how to use basic world edit. And how to be a good staff member for a server.


When did you join MunchyMC and what made you stay?
I joined MunchyMC for about a year ago, And I started playing Survival. What made me stay was the nice people that helped me out on doing building and how entertaining this community was.
Right now I know a lot and a lot, of people on Survival. And I’m loving it!


What is your knowledge of MunchyMC?
All of the Game Modes are, KitPVP, Survival, Prison, Wool Wars, Purgatory. And I know all of the standard rules that you should follow.

All Gamemodes and what they do

Survival: You start of with some starter tools, you can always go check the tutorial out in /warp tutorial. To start of do /rtp to teleport into the wild, (you can do this every 30 seconds). You will be able to do whatever you want in Survival except breaking the rules…

There are several worlds you can go into such as - The End, The Nether, and the Mining World (at the Mining World there is a lot more ores than the main world) which you can find at /warp portalroom. And we have the main world at /rtp. Where you can build your houses and claim your builds and so on. You can auction your items with the command /auction (price) (increment). And you can bid on others auctions with /bid (price). There is a tutorial at /warp tutorial and you can understand how everything works very fast! You can buy a shop at /warp mall (if there are any shops open), They cost 20 gold for 2 weeks and you can expand the time. If you wanna get gold (currency) then you have to find gold, smelt it, and do /deposit all or /deposit amount.

To claim land do /claim point1 and go to the other diagonal corner and do /claim point2 and then do /claim confirm twice, you can edit the claims name, messages, mob spawning, add people to your claim, and so on at /claim edit.

You can make private chests, and doors by holding a sign and just right clicking on the door/chest without crouching. You can also add other people to your door/chest by crouch right clicking the door/chest and type [more users] (enter) name (enter) name.
If someone griefs your build, then contact a staff from MunchyMC, and they’ll help you fix your problem.

KitPVP: Here you can improve your PVP skills and test them. You can choose from many of the different kits that are on the server. You are also able to get tokens for buying different kits in KitPVP. You can also join different events that happens sometimes to get you a better experience. Find a fit for your style and chose whatever kit that suits you the best!

Prison: You start off with some basic tools. What you want to do and have to do is go mining at different mines, you always start on the first mine. You wanna get the ores and then sell them to rankup by doing /rankup. And then go to your next mine which has better ores and more ores than the last ones.
There are PVP arenas too, where you can PVP and try to get loot from others.
There is a casino that allows you to gamble your money that you’ve found from the outside world.
At the outside world you can find chests that contains goods, and PVP other players!

Wool Wars: In Wool Wars you will be in a PVP arena with other players, and the goal is to find your loot, (you can select a kit before the match) and then build yourself up to a safe point, Why you wanna build up is because the floor rises all the time and if the floor hits you, you’ll be eliminated!

Purgatory: If you have been banned from the server, you’ll be automatically sent here
To be unbanned You can do 3 things.

Make one of the quests at /stats
Wait for the ban to end (if you’re not perm banned)
Or buy an unban at the MunchyMC Store, But you can only buy a unban 2 times, first unban is $5 and the second one is $15

Note: you can be trolled by people that hasn’t been banned, they have invincibility, And kits to troll you with. So it’s harder for you to do the quests.
If you’ve been banned, then you know why you don’t wanna be banned again.
(If you think you’ve been false banned then make a support ticket at the MunchyMC Support)


Do you have any Anticheat experience?
I know a little of the Anticheats but here are a couple of them.
Free: Basic Anti-Cheat, Negativity and Matrix Anti-Cheat.
Paid: AntiAura and TakaAntiCheat


Link us to any hacker reports you have made (recorded and/or reported) on MunchyMC:
Here’s a recording that I have, It was a guy who used Freecam, all the proof is at 0:00 - 3:00 and then you’ll get it how he is Freecaming. (I only play survival so this happens rarely)


Languages spoken: English and Swedish


Describe your contributions to MunchyMC thus far?
I am really active on the server, and currently have VIP++ and Legend rank. I mostly play Survival. And I have been helping on the Pewdiepie World with other Helpers, Builders, Admins, and People from the Community!


What is your greatest strength?
My greatest strength is working with a team and coming up with new ideas and finding problems that has to be fixed. also being very energetic, active and patient on the most part.


Comment on your ability to work within a team:
Really good… I love to be able to work within a team, for example when I helped with the Pewdiepie World, I was staying up to 5 AM to fix problems in the world and I really enjoyed it. So comes to any other teams, like [/i]The Event Team[/i] for example.


What is your experience and knowledge of hacks?
I know plenty of hacks and how to spot them, here is a list of the most common hacks used in Minecraft.


  • Combat - PVP:

No Fall: Disables Fall Damage.
Kill Aura: Allows the player to hit other players without looking at them as an Aimbot.
Aimbot: When aiming with a bow the players crosshair will automatically be located at the nearest enemy.
Fly: Allows the player to Fly in a laggy way.
NoHurtCam: Disables the annoying and distracting effect when you get hit.
Reach: Allows you to hit players/entities nearby from a far distance.
Speed: Allows you to walk/run faster than other players.
AntiKnockback: You never take knockback from ranged weapons or TNT explosions.
Bhop: You get more speed from jumping.
Triggerbot: You attack anything you look at.
NoSlowdown: You will not have to start over sprinting when you are hit by a bow, egg etc.
Tracers: Draws a line to the nearest Player/entity/mob.
Autoblock: When you are hitting a player, you’ll automatically block with your sword to deal more damage.
Tp-Aura: You teleport around your target meanwhile hitting them constantly.

  • Macros - Automatic:

Autoclicker: Allows you to click without clicking your mouse.
AutoSteal: You Automatically steal whatever is inside a chest.
AutoSoup: You automatically eat soup to heal yourself meanwhile pvping.
AutoArmour: You automatically equip the best armor in your inventory.
AutoFish: You automatically fish up a fish whenever you have caught a fish.
AutoMine: You mine automatically whatever you look at.
AutoSword: You automatically bring out the best sword you have when hitting a player.
AutoTool: You bring out the best tool you have for the current job you are doing.
AutoWalk: You walk automatically wherever you are looking.

  • Visual:

Xray: You can see through walls, and you can see ores, caves, dungeons etc.
Chams: Highlights other players.
NameTag: You can see other players Names larger than other players.
Fullbright: You can activate Nightvision without a potion.
Blink: When activated you will become a ghost and the original body will stay there, whenever you do this they can go to another spot and then when turned back on your original body will teleport to where the ghost was. (Usually seen in Survival games).

  • Others:

Annoy: When a player types something to chat, you will automatically repeat it.
NoWeb: You never slowdown walking into cobwebs.
NoFall: You don’t take fall damage whenever you fall from a great height.
Jesus: You can walk on Water/Lava, and it could be very buggy if the servers have an Anticheat program.
Regen: Your health will regenerate very quickly, but only works if you have full hunger.
Teleport: You’ll be able to teleport by blocking with your sword and looking at a location.
Derp: Makes your head spin very quickly like a “spin-bot”.
Spider: Gives you the ability to climb walls.
SafeWalk: Stops you from falling off a block meanwhile building a bridge.
FastBuild: You will be able to build a bridge very quickly and you’ll almost never fall down.

Thank You For Reading :heart:


+1 Great person, good application.

1 Like

+1 Good Application but remember they changed 1 question

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Thank you so much! :heart:

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Thank you!!! :heart:
(fixed it I think) :slight_smile:

+1 Active and friendly!

1 Like

Thank you Levis ! :heart:

+1 very mature for his age.

1 Like

Thank you so much, I appreciate it! :heart:


  • Very nice
  • Good application.


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  • Solid application
  • Active
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+1 always active and trying to be as helpful as possible.

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Thank you rainfalls!! :heart: :heart:

Thank you shorty!!! :heart:

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Thank you Noah!!! :heart:

plus ∞ great application, great person, always helps when anyone asks, welcomes new players a lot of the time, just accept it already!

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Thank you Shadow! :heart: :heart: :heart:

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gamer moment

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+1 Great Application!

Lots of knowledge,
Great person.

1 Like

I greatly appreciate it isaac! :heart: