Staff Application-LuckierSage0803



Eastern Standard.

Can you record and upload videos with good quality?

Server(s) you would like to moderate:
I would be happy to moderate any servers assigned to me.

How active can you be per week?
I can be on at a moments notice between the times of 4pm-10pm est (Monday to Friday) and 9am-10pm est (Saturday to Sunday).

Do you have any past moderating experience? If so, briefly describe it:
Unfortunately no but I have a basic idea of what the rules and commands are for servers.

What is your knowledge of MunchyMC?
I know most not all of the rules as I used to play a lot on this server on my old account.

Do you have any Anticheat experience?

Link videos of hackers that you have recorded and/or reported on MunchyMC:

Languages spoken:
English, Russian, and Ukranian.

Describe your contributions to MunchyMC thus far?

What is your greatest strength?
I am very committed to everything I do and I am able to solve problems quickly.

Comment on your ability to work within a team:
I am fairly good at working in a team as long as I get to know them a bit.

What is your experience and knowledge of hacks?
I once used hacks on minecraft 3 years ago and now I want to right my wrongs and help get rid of any hackers because I understand that I put a lot of stress on the staff members that had to deal with me I have been doing my absolute best to get on a moderator team may it be as a helper or a moderator I will still do my best either way.

Staff applications are currently closed; please wait until they reopen to submit an application.