Sqle's Event Team App

IGN and past IGN’s: (usernames listed from, my current one to my first one) Sqle, Nightwiing, ImN0TPhat, SemiReticle, Strongkr, Star_Queen_, TrembleOG, DuckCubeYT, IcyWafflez, AccountantBoiz, JusTGoT
PST (Pacific Standard Timezone

How often can you host events:
The amount of events I can host would average about 2-4 events, it also depends on how long I’m able to play on the server.

What sets you apart from other applicants:
The part that sets me apart from other applicants is I fool around for a few minutes making people laugh and having fun. Another detail about me is I’m more unusual than others, I mean by that is I think differently.
What can you bring to MunchyMC as an Event Member:
I can bring more ideas, happiness, and maybe even coming up with my own events if possible. Also, I’m able to keep people more motivated and try harder than usual.
Give us one or more examples of an Event Member(s) doing something positive (I.E. Hosting an event when you asked, allowing you to become the slayer in RR, etc.): Since my last event team app I haven’t been able to get an event team member to host sumo or redrover, and as an event team member I can do that when I didn’t get to feel that joy that someone listens to you.

Anything else you would like to add: When my first app got denied I wanted to try again, so here I am and hope I get accepted. I can also dedicate atleast 2 or more hours if I get accepted, and on weekends maybe even 3 hours I can spend on the server. Another thing is that my mom wouldn’t let me play on weekdays anymore so weekends I will play maybe all day on munchy. Unless I get my grades over a B.

What would you do if you caught someone hacking in your event? If someone was caught hacking I would do a ban command for the event and record it so I can send it to a Mod+.

What would you do if you were being spammed? I would either ask them to stop or I’ll just ignore them.

What would you do if some players weren’t listening to the rules and were holding everyone back? If someone was holding them back I would give them a few seconds to go and do the task, if not it has been completed within about 5 seconds then I will kick them from the event.

What would you do if you saw someone abusing in your event? When I see this I will either ask them to stop if it’s not serious or just kick them instantly from the event.

What would you do if you caught someone hacking in your event? I would first record them and send it to a mod, then I would ban them from all events.

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What do you mean by this? Event members do listen. Also, you answered the question incorrectly. If you haven’t seen an event member doing anything nice you haven’t been active enough.

Most event members currently do this. Anything else that sets you apart?

Per day? Per week? You need to be more specific.

Here are some questions if love for you to answer.

  • what would you do if you caught someone hacking in your event?
  • what would you do if you saw someone abusing in your event?
  • what would you do if some players weren’t listening to the rules and were holding everyone back?
  • what would you do if you were being spammed?
  • what would you do if someone kept asking to be tped back into the event because they “want a second chance”?

Im not going to vote, but good luck! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the response Brush_Your_Teeth, I will try these tips when I’m able to apply again.

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You can just edit your application! Don’t worry. Just tap on the little pencil on the bottom of your post.

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Oh, didn’t know that. Thanks!

Thanks once again Brush_Your_Teeth! I really appreciate the tips!

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Don’t know you ingame
Amazing application though!

You have an amazing application. One thing I wish to see you improve on is your community involvement. Best of luck applying in the future! I look forward to it!