Serious matter. (Read Staff)

so apparently AFK farming is now bannable on prison, and today at least 8 people were banned for “AFK farming” … I was one of them. Anyways so I was told staff came on and told everyone about this (I was afk already so I had no idea about it). IT was the same for many many people, they had no idea about because staff did not tell them… so they were banned for no reason what so ever, This is absolutely retarded… And do not even go on about “macros are not allowed” I’ve never used a macro to do it, I simply put a brick on my right click mouse to farm. shits dumb.


I still personally don’t see an issue with this. If you have to think if it may or may not be bannable, don’t do it in the first place. Like I said in another post, it’s always safe to assume that things like this aren’t allowed. They can’t possibly put every single tiny detail into the rules, which is why you should consult an admin or another staff member and ask them if this is allowed.

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Please explain how you were able to execute the /sellall command every second while being afk without using a macro.


I used a similar method by putting my headphones on a key that I changed in mc controls to be right click. I then used some software where I could record a sequence of keys and play it would play that sequence every so often. No macros necessary. Another way to do this is to make a modification or script that can run said task. This has previously been allowed. Another way to do it is an external key presser or mechanism that would click a key that was bound to the command sell all. Hot keys that do this have been used by many players with no one punishments what so ever since the beginning maps. All in all there are many ways to do this without using a macro or even any modifications what so ever. It is completely possible to have a system on your desk that excutes this whole process without any software other than mc, blc, or labymod. I agree with trimly one hundred percent on this post. Munchy should have used a process where they phased out this farming method. where they alerted players that it would be come a tempban on x date and then a perm ban on a later day perhaps 3 days later. This gives players time to stop their methods and switch over to a new farming technique perhaps with items in the game. I for one already have two new methods in which I will be able to autofarm with out using a sell all macro or keybind of any type.

uhhhhhhhh you know just like uhhhhhh an uhhhh u win

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All of these methods give an unfair advantage to the people who are using it. To run /sellall you need a text macro. Making a modification script to do /sellall is also not allowed as it is the same as using a macro. If you continue to use these methods you will be banned from munchy.



To clarify using any type of macro or keybind to input a text command is NOT allowed on munchymc and will result in an immediate temporary ban?

oh my god, macros are not allowed what is so hard to understand?

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Because if I don’t get him to confirm that then next map when someone is using it then they will be like ohh he didn’t know and not ban them even though nobody who got banned today knew.

simple, just think. why would macroing be allowed?

How is that even a reply to what I said lmao.

This type of restrictions should go by common sense, if the gamemode is focusing on you, the player, to put effort and grind to make progress, macros and third party systems that allow you to farm without effort whatsoever or have an advantage are therefore not allowed. Either way staff above already confirm this


Couldn’t have said it better myself!

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Such an easy way to explain it!

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Guys, it’s not hard. If it gives you an Unfair Advantage over Vanilla Minecraft Players then don’t do it! It’s considered CHEATING. This isn’t all that hard to understand. Stop trying to defend/allow cheating on MunchyMC.

-thhot <3


I have read all the posts here, the only problem I have is the misunderstanding, that “Macro” is equal to “Scripting”.
No, it’s not the same, Macro is a button press done by the user to shortcut a long combination of key presses, while scripting is the child of boting.

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Scripting or Macro, as was already said, if it gives you an unfair advantage, it’s cheating. If every single method of cheating was listed in the MunchyMC rules, it would make the rules unnecessarily long. Cheating is against the rules, thus so is scripting, macros, etc.

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@_MythicalSheep @thhot @Lil_Makoto you guys have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. Lots of this you can’t do in vanilla Minecraft are allowed on munchy such as toggle sneak, status hud, direction hud, armour mod, and much much more. Mythical your post makes little sense. All the actions we were doing are completely possible to be done without any sort of modifications what so ever. Similar to mods like potion counter where it is just an automated counter. You CAN easily count your pots but the mod does it much quicker. Also scripting has been allowed in the past, a kid made an auto smelter bot that sorts ores and stone and smelts it and moves it into chests. Staff did not care and in fact where IMPRESSED with the players skills. This guy was actually a trial dev. Please don’t try to tell us what is and isn’t against the rules and leave it to the staff team. That being said @EsioTrot you never responded to my previous question.

You’re focusing on the wrong point. It’s not the fact that you can’t do it in vanilla minecraft, of course ton’s of servers have cool little boosts here and there. But they’re still allowed on the server- cause the server MADE them. When you start bringing in boosts/advantages that is NOT provided by the server is when it becomes a problem.

Because you’re giving yourself an unfair advantage. Anything that gives an unfair advantage, and is not provided by the server to ALL players, is obviously not allowed.

