S4v4ge_BO14379's event team application (January 13th 2021 4:25pm)




How often can I host events:
I can host events on weekdays and weekends.
Here is what my free time should look like most of the time:
Saturday: 11pm-9pm

What sets you apart from other applicants:

Kindness: I have been very kind to the community and others call me kind, so I think I would make a good fit on this server. Also, most people see me and say, “Hey, there is S4v4ge_BO14379! He would make a great staff!”

Maturity: I try to be as mature as I can. Most of my friends call me mature and I would not be rude to anyone in anyway. I think I am mature, most of the time. If I am mad at something I try not put my anger on them.
Commands that I know:
/skit [apply/create]: A command that basically creates or gives out a mini kit that you can make yourself

/eventkick: Sends a certain player back to spawn.

/eventban: Permanently remove’s a player’s permission for joining an event

/togglepvp: Turns on PvP or turns of PvP

/eventtall: Gives everyone the option to participate in an event.

I know I won’t get accepted, but I thought I would at least try.

Please edit your application to follow the correct format, you’ve missed most of the questions.

Please use the correct format and ur lacking alot of detail.

-1 you have missed a bunch of questions and lack of detail

i wish u the best of luck doe

looks quite a lot like my application, you’re not using a format, and there’s a lack of detail. good luck anyway!

Did not update the format