Nothing here

nothing here don’t bother.

You should look at accepted applications - and their portfolios.

I suggest never saying that. You have to have full faith in yourself.


okay thanks :smiley:

This is good!

Can you not make it a world download…? I’m on a mac and don’t know how to do them. Pictures would be a lot better.

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There are pictures…

Doesn’t show up for me :\

there’s a red stone from yt and a world download folder

I agree with Stan saying you need full faith and also taking Flare in mind as well as the post in general is not fully detailed or thought up well.
And then cones the builds, which look great for a survival world but just aren’t what munchy is looking for.
Overall, -1 from me though I wish you the best of luck!

I’m not really that good with world downloads :I sorry i will try though :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks!! :smiley:

I have added some other pictures from other worlds that I forgot about :DD

I have added some other pictures from other worlds that I forgot about :DD

I’m aware, I just have no comment on them.

Ahh ok, are you a builder?

Yes, not a builder rank or anything, why?

I don’t know just wondering you seem like you may be

Do you think one of the builders have seen this?

Why would that matter?

Don’t they have to admit you into the build team?

Whenever you post an application the community, (which includes builders and non builders) judge you and your application and then the build team lead or admin and such decide whether or not you go through.