Quack_Up - Media Rank Application

Channel link: https://youtube.com/c/QuackUpPlayz (I forgot to put my link this was edited)

Number of subs: 103

Average number of views per vid: Give or take 100.

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: I am going to start making MunchyMC content very soon as I enjoy playing on the server. I have done a livestream on MunchyMC before though, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=854fB-HTtQw I join at the 11:00 timestamp.

Servers for which you have created content: I’m mainly Hypixel but am expanding out my content.

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?

As I’m friendly with the community, just a goofy kid who enjoys playing minecraft. Want to make some of my hobby videos on the server and feel like I deserve it, but I’ll leave that up to you.

Thanks for considering my app!

                                               - Quack_Up

-1 you do not meet te requirements to be media. You must have at least 500 subs. Anyways good luck! Try to make some videos on munchy and keep growing your channel!

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-1 I am all for people growing themselfs and there channels but quite frankly, you don’t meet the requirements and thats not even the problem, it would have been a +1 if you had uploaded within this week or month as you do meet the viewer requirement.
Good luck, hope i did not come off too strong.

Could I make a couple of MunchyMC videos and re-apply? If I can reapply. would I have to wait a time length?

Yes and No, you need to be uploading content on munchymc for i believe 1 month

Ah okay. I have a tight time schedule because of school. I’ll try to upload, and reapply after a month of uploading some munchy content here and there. Thanks for the help.

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Looking forward to seeing your application once you’ve built your channel up a bit more!
Thanks for your interest in Munchy