[Prize] What is your favourite emoji combination?

This is my favourite:

“hol’ up”

:pinching_hand: :dark_sunglasses:

(The hand might look backwards and it might look dumb depending on the platform you’re looking at this with.)

*I just realized the limit is three emojis, but I want you guys to experience the combo above anyway. So here’s my actual submission I suppose:

“wait a min”

:point_up: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The “wait a min” piece of art presents the beautiful emotion of typing “wtf” into Minecraft chat, specifically on MunchyMC in general or staff chat. This emoji combination means so much to me because I use it a lot, generally when somebody (usually a fellow Junior Moderator or Moderator) says something super s u s in discord. Thank you for listening.