I apologize for making another poll for my 43% rated 5 star series HTBWDIM?WIABWDIM?HTRABWDIM?WITBBWDIM?, but I’d like to ask some things again. Specifically the 2 topics I’d like to ask are in relation to how I should format my posts, and if the forums community wants me to stop making these. (not that I currently have intentions to do so; I’d just like the common majority of the forums vote here if you are either disinterested or interested at these types of stuff.) Nonetheless, I’d like to begin before I ramble on for too long.

Relating to the first topic, you will have 1 choice to pick on these options, since I am indecisive in the terms of what style I should use. Please vote for the style that you like the most
  • Bulky and lengthy- The style of the first 2 HTBWDIMs.
  • Bulky but short- The intended style of episode 2.5 of HTBWDIM.
  • Clear but lengthy- The style of episode 3 of HTBWDIM.
  • Clear but short- A style in the likeness of episode 3, however there are no quotes from the specific BWDIM that the HTBDWIM, and in general most of the exposition is removed, and no context is provided.
  • BWDIM copy- Exactly in the style of Spectro’s BWDIM and is basically a rewritten BWDIM

0 voters

Relating to the second topic, there are four emojis depicting the levels of satisfaction regarding my HTBWDIMs. Heart depicts loving, the thumbs up depicts liking, the thumbs down represents disliking, and the broken heart represents hatred(not in a mean manor, but it is just the antithesis of loving, similar to how the thumbs up is to the thumbs down)
  • :heart:
  • :+1:
  • :-1:
  • :broken_heart:

0 voters

I apologize for the fact that it is boring to sit through and read these posts, but considering the fact that most of you people say in some words or another “This is too 5 head for my Smol brain to comprehend please stop it hurt brain” (to some degree; taken from Episode 3, and said by @ImAMutedCrafty.)

I currently have to go to the latrine so I have to get up from my office chair in my bedroom, so if you have anything you’d like to say, please reply to this post. Otherwise, I’ll reply to this post if I have forgotten to say anything. I might make another “Special: Community Poll” like this. I’d also like to make another poll on the fly, which will be described by the title below:

Should I keep the name of my HTBWDIMs? For now, this will just be a poll asking if it should change or not, and not referring to the fact that I am asking that I’d like the community to come up with names if I were to rename this series. Nonetheless, I have to end it off here. Beel, signing off.
  • Yes [:+1:]
  • No [:-1:]

0 voters



Bro what do all of these acronyms even mean….


mmm elaborate

1 Like

Wdym elaborate everything about this just sounds confusing